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Thu, 25.07.2024       Hardman & Co Research

Hardman & Co Research on Real Estate Credit Investments (RECI): Capital Markets Day   RECI benefits from deep expertise, not only in selecting assets but in having the capability to protect assets where positions need attention. As part of the larger Cheyne debt investor specialist – with over $11bn assets under management – RECI has top-ti [ … ]
Thu, 14.03.2024       Hardman & Co Research

Hardman & Co analyst interview | Investment Companies Q&A on Real Estate Credit Investments | Conservative accounting at play Real Estate Credit Investments (LON:RECI) is the topic of conversation when Mark Thomas, analyst at Hardman & Co, joins DirectorsTalk Interviews. In this interview, Mark gives an overview of his latest report  [ … ]
Tue, 27.02.2024       Hardman & Co Research

Hardman & Co Research on Real Estate Credit Investments (RECI): French and German exposures in perspective   We last reviewed RECI’s operations in France, 25% of the latest portfolio, in our note, Vive la difference, published 15 February 2022. The core approach is unchanged, but, following the December 2023 factsheet report of an unrealise [ … ]
Tue, 28.11.2023       Hardman & Co Research

Hardman & Co analyst interview | Investment Companies Q&A on Real Estate Credit Investments | Actively managing the portfolio to the latest market opportunities  A Real Estate Credit Investments (LON:RECI) is the topic of conversation when Mark Thomas, Analyst at Hardman & Co joins DirectorsTalk Interviews. In this interview Mark giv [ … ]
Thu, 16.11.2023       Hardman & Co Research

Hardman & Co Research on Real Estate Credit Investments (RECI): Portfolio management to optimise risk/reward   In previous notes, we have reviewed why we believe RECI has procedures and practices that limit downside losses to help ensure the resilience of the NAV. In this note, we explore further how portfolio management helps optimise risk [ … ]

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