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Thu, 27.02.2025       Altech Advanced Materials AG

Altech Advanced Materials plans to transfer the minority interests in the project companies for the battery products CERENERGY and Silumina Anodes to its partner Altech Batteries Ltd. In return, Altech Advanced Materials is to receive around 21% of the shares in Altech Batteries Ltd. New corporate structure serves to optimize financing options an [ … ]
Tue, 11.02.2025       Altech Advanced Materials AG

Altech Advanced Materials AG ("AAM / the Company") (ISIN: DE000A31C3Y4) closed its 2024 financial year with a projected net loss (separate financial statements according to HGB) of EUR -809 thousand (previous year: EUR -1,650 thousand). The preliminary annual result includes sales revenue of EUR 94 thousand (previous year: EUR 40 thousand) and othe [ … ]
Fri, 24.01.2025       Altech Advanced Materials AG

Production process of the graphite-, lithium- and cobalt-free CERENERGY battery is characterized by a significantly lower CO2 footprint compared to conventional lithium batteries The very positive "Dark Green" project rating enables Altech to use environmentally friendly financing instruments such as green bonds Green bonds are a possible financ [ … ]

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Friday, 07.03.2025, Calendar Week 10, 66th day of the year, 299 days remaining until EoY.