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Fri, 07.03.2025       The Payments Group Holding GmbH & Co. KGaA

Interview with Christoph Gerlinger, The Payments Group Holding, by Gereon Kruse,, of 6.03.25 [Link to the original article] Translated into English by The Payments Group Holding – without obligo     The Payments Group Holding: “We are undertaking a strategic turnaround” “It is in the shareholders’ interests to respond quick [ … ]
Thu, 13.02.2025       The Payments Group Holding GmbH & Co. KGaA

+++ Press release +++   Payments Group Holding - Legal disputes with former major shareholder SGT Capital LLC, its partners and affiliate companies  Default of payment by SGT Capital LLC, its subsidiary SGT Beteiligungsberatung GmbH, SGT Capital Fund II entities and other related parties Unclear issues and irregularities concerning our subsidiar [ … ]
Fri, 31.01.2025       The Payments Group Holding GmbH & Co. KGaA

+++ Press release +++ Payments Group Holding: Terms and Timeline of the Transformationinto a Growing, Profitable PayTech Company  Renegotiation of the consideration for the agreed acquisition of majority shareholdings in four internet payment service providers Increased transaction certainty by extending the deadlines for the fulfillment of cond [ … ]
Fri, 31.01.2025       The Payments Group Holding GmbH & Co. KGaA

  +++ Ad-hoc Announcement +++ Payments Group Holding: Terms and Timeline of the Transformationinto a Growing, Profitable PayTech Company  Renegotiation of the consideration for the agreed acquisition of majority shareholdings in four internet payment service providers Increased transaction certainty by extending the deadlines for the fulfillmen [ … ]

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Wednesday, 12.03.2025, Calendar Week 11, 71st day of the year, 294 days remaining until EoY.