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Fri, 26.07.2024       Forbo Holding AG

MEDIA RELEASEAD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 53 OF THE SIX EXCHANGE REGULATION LISTING RULES Net sales and volume growth impacted by difficult market environment – continued negative currency effects on net sales and earnings – double-digit EBIT margins maintained – equity ratio further improved The Forbo Group – a leading manufacturer of  [ … ]
Fri, 05.04.2024       Forbo Holding AG

Forbo Holding AG / Key word(s): AGMEGM Forbo shareholders approve all proposals of the Board of Directors 05.04.2024 / 18:45 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE At today’s 96th Ordinary General Meeting of Forbo Holding Ltd in Zug, the shareholders approved all of the Board of Directors' proposals by a large majority. The dividend of [ … ]
Tue, 05.03.2024       Forbo Holding AG

MEDIA RELEASE AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 53 OF THE SIX EXCHANGE REGULATION LISTING RULES Slight decline in net sales in local currencies – operating profit impacted by lower demand and adverse currency effects – double-digit EBIT margin – Group profit slightly higher than previous year – significantly increased free cash flow – dividen [ … ]
Fri, 24.11.2023       Forbo Holding AG

MEDIA RELEASEAD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 53 OF THE SIX EXCHANGE REGULATION LISTING RULES Dr. Peter Altorfer will not be standing for re-election at the 2024 Ordinary General Meeting. The Board of Directors of Forbo Holding Ltd will propose Joerg Kampmeyer and Bernhard Merki for election to the Board of Directors. Baar, November 24, 2023 [ … ]
Wed, 25.10.2023       Forbo Holding AG

MEDIA RELEASE AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 53 OF THE SIX EXCHANGE REGULATION LISTING RULES Baar, October 25, 2023 In the third quarter of 2023, Forbo faced increasingly difficult general conditions. The modest recovery that was tangible in the first half of the year did not continue. The geopolitical and macroeconomic situation deteri [ … ]
Fri, 28.07.2023       Forbo Holding AG

MEDIA RELEASEAD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 53 OF THE SIX EXCHANGE REGULATION LISTING RULES Net sales in local currencies slightly below strong prior-year period – Negative currency impact on net sales and earnings – Measures to increase earnings prove effective – EBIT margin increased – Confirmation of guidance from spring 2023 The Forbo [ … ]
Fri, 28.07.2023       Forbo Holding AG

MEDIA RELEASEAD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 53 OF THE SIX EXCHANGE REGULATION LISTING RULES Net sales in local currencies slightly below strong prior-year period – Negative currency impact on net sales and earnings – Measures to increase earnings prove effective – EBIT margin increased – Confirmation of guidance from spring 2023 The Forbo [ … ]
Thu, 30.03.2023       Forbo Holding AG

Forbo Holding AG / Key word(s): AGMEGM Forbo shareholders approve all proposals of the Board of Directors 30.03.2023 / 18:30 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE information to the ordinary general assembly 2023 At today’s 95th Ordinary General Meeting of Forbo Holding Ltd in Zug, the shareholders approved all the proposals of the Board of Dir [ … ]
Thu, 30.03.2023       Forbo Holding AG

Forbo Holding AG / Key word(s): AGMEGM Forbo shareholders approve all proposals of the Board of Directors 30.03.2023 / 18:30 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE information to the ordinary general assembly 2023 At today’s 95th Ordinary General Meeting of Forbo Holding Ltd in Zug, the shareholders approved all the proposals of the Board of Dir [ … ]
Thu, 02.03.2023       Forbo Holding AG

MEDIA RELEASE AD HOC announcement pursuant TO ARTICLE 53 of the six exchange regulation listing rules The Forbo Group – a leading manufacturer of floor coverings, building and construction adhesives, as well as power transmission and conveyor belt solutions – reported net sales of CHF 1,293.2 million in the 2022 business year. This corresponds to g [ … ]

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