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Wed, 21.08.2024       Lenzing AG

Changes to Management Board of Lenzing AG   Rohit Aggarwal to take over as CEO of Lenzing AG as of September 1, 2024 Stephan Sielaff will leave at the end of August 2024   Lenzing – The Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of regenerated cellulose fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, changes the composition of Management Board. Effect [ … ]
Wed, 07.08.2024       Lenzing AG

Lenzing Group Reports Further Improvement in Operating Result Revenue up 4.8 percent year-on-year to EUR 1.31 bn in the first half of 2024 Performance program shows effect: EBITDA up 20.4 percent year-on-year to EUR 164.4 mn in in the first half of 2024 Free cash flow of EUR 141.5 mn (compared with minus EUR 165.4 mn in in the first half of 202 [ … ]
Wed, 05.06.2024       Lenzing AG

Lenzing again honoured with the Vienna Stock Exchange Sustainability Award   VÖNIX Sustainability Award 2024 of the Vienna Stock Exchange goes to Lenzing AG Winner in the ‘Industrials’ category Lenzing continuously drives forward the transformation towards a bio-based economy   Lenzing – The Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of regenerated ce [ … ]
Tue, 30.04.2024       Lenzing AG

Lenzing sets a good example in a difficult industry: social responsibility and sustainable jobs Outstanding results in the Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM) for social sustainability Study shows: Lenzing creates 25,282 direct and indirect jobs in its production countries Lenzing – The Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of regenerated [ … ]
Thu, 11.04.2024       Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG is suspending its dividend policy until further notice Lenzing – The Managing Board of Lenzing AG decided today to suspend the existing dividend policy of at least EUR 4.50 per share for an unlimited period of time. Lenzing AG continues to expect higher EBITDA for the 2024 financial year compared to the previous year.   Your contact [ … ]
Thu, 21.03.2024       Lenzing AG

Lenzing presents innovative concept combining sustainable glacier protection and circularity for textiles   Geotextiles made from biodegradable LENZING™ fibers to protect glaciers and avoid microplastic pollution Network of partners strives to recycle geotextiles at the end of their life cycle to give them a second life as a garment   Lenzing  [ … ]
Fri, 15.03.2024       Lenzing AG

“Ready to join?”: Lenzing presents combined annual and sustainability report 2023   Combination of financial and non-financial reporting as evidence of the central role of sustainability Measurable progress in achieving ambitious sustainability and climate targets Lenzing remains a sustainability champion and prepares for the European Green De [ … ]
Fri, 15.03.2024       Lenzing AG

Negative market environment strongly impacts 2023 earnings – implementation of performance program exceeds plan   Revenue of EUR 2.52 bn in 2023, EBITDA of EUR 303.3 mn EBIT and earnings after tax impacted by non-cash impairment losses of EUR 464.9 mn Implementation of performance program with a focus on positive free cash flow, stronger reven [ … ]
Thu, 15.02.2024       Lenzing AG

Lenzing raises the bar significantly in the fight against the climate crisis and aligns its targets with the 1.5-degree limit   Updated GHG emissions reduction targets recognized and confirmed by Science Based Targets Initiative Lenzing is the only company in its industry with a scientifically confirmed net zero target 1,100,000 tons of CO2 em [ … ]
Tue, 06.02.2024       Lenzing AG

Lenzing once again on CDP’s prestigious Triple A List, confirming sustainability leadership   Lenzing one of the only 10 companies in the world with a triple “A” score Leading role in corporate transparency and performance on climate change, forests and water security reaffirmed CDP is considered the gold standard for international environment [ … ]

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