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Fri, 18.12.2020       Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG

Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG successfully closes 2019/2020 financial year and publishes sustainability report for the first time - Net profit for 2019/2020 in the amount of 50.8 € million- Gross rental income increased by 60% to 40.8 € million- FFO increases by 91% to 24.6 € million or 0.84 € per share- EPRA NAV increases by 52% from 7.74 € per shar [ … ]
Mon, 23.11.2020       Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG

Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG acquires a Production Complex in Gevelsberg for TEUR 17,000 Rostock, 23 November 2020 - Deutsche Industrie REIT AG (ISIN DE000A2G9LL1) acquires a Production Complex in Gevelsberg within a Sale-and-Lease-Back. DIR was able to acquire a further property in Gevelsberg (North Rhine-Westphalia) - approx. 18 km northeast of Wu [ … ]
Tue, 17.11.2020       Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG

Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG acquires three commercial properties in Metzingen, Sembach and Gevelsberg for TEUR 17,300 Rostock, 17 November 2020 - Deutsche Industrie REIT AG (ISIN DE000A2G9LL1) acquires three commercial properties in Metzingen, Sembach and Gevelsberg. The city of Metzingen (Baden-Württemberg) is located around 30 km south of the sta [ … ]
Thu, 13.08.2020       Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG

Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG announces nine-month results (Q3/9M 2019/2020) Revaluation of the property portfolio by EUR 35.4 million - Net rental income increased from EUR 14.5 million to EUR 23.8 million - FFO grows from EUR 8.6 million to EUR 18.3 million - FFO per share increases by 60% (from EUR 0.40 to EUR 0.64 per share) - Revaluation of t [ … ]

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Sunday, 23.06.2024, Calendar Week 25, 175th day of the year, 191 days remaining until EoY.