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Thu, 05.09.2024       DWK Deutsche Wasserkraft AG

DWK Deutsche Wasserkraft successfully completes capital increase - further strategic growth planned - All 300,000 new shares have been fully placed with institutional shareholders - Issuance proceeds will be used for further growth of DWK - Expansion of CO2-saving small hydropower plants in Europe planned Hamburg, 5 September 2024 - DWK Deutsche Wa [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       DWK Deutsche Wasserkraft AG

DWK Deutsche Wasserkraft AG: Change of corporate name completed / DWK's new alignment continues to gain momentum Upcoming cash capital increase as first financing component fully guaranteed by major shareholders Management currently intensively evaluating prospective investment opportunties and holds a significant stake in DWK Deutsche Wasserkraf [ … ]
Mon, 15.07.2024       CGift AG

CGift AG becomes DWK Deutsche Wasserkraft AG and undergoes strategic reorganisation - Annual General Meeting approves change of name and votes 100 per cent in favour of all agenda topics - Future focus on development, acquisition and operation of small hydro run-of-river power plants in Europe - Renowned experts with decades of experience in the [ … ]

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Monday, 16.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 260th day of the year, 106 days remaining until EoY.