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Mon, 14.12.2020       ifa systems AG

ifa systems strengthens its competence team Felix Aaslepp as Vice President - Medical Advisor new at ifa as a medical practitioner Aaslepp takes over product management support and strengthen realization of synergies with the NEXUS Group ifa systems AG (ISIN DE0007830788), a leading and globally active software company specializing in ophthalmol [ … ]
Sat, 31.10.2020       ifa systems AG

ifa systems acquires majority stake in leading ophthalmology patient communication platform Sophrona in the USA Acquisition opens up further growth potential for ifa in the USA and for Sophrona in Europe State-of-the-art open-standard technologies and API Sophrona brings Patient Portal, Referral Portal and Partner Portal ifa united i-tech Inc.,  [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.