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Wed, 28.02.2024       Südzucker AG

Press release Mannheim, February 28, 2024   Südzucker AG successfully completes delisting tender offer Stake of Südzucker AG in CropEnergies AG increased to 94.2 percent as of today Listing of CropEnergies AG on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange expires at the end of February 28, 2024 Südzucker AG (”Südzucker”) announced on February 21, 2024, the r [ … ]
Fri, 26.01.2024       Südzucker AG

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION (IN WHOLE OR IN PART) IN, INTO OR FROM ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD VIOLATE THE LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTIONPress release Mannheim, January 26, 2024 Südzucker AG welcomes the recommendation of the delisting tender offer by CropEnergies AG • Management Board and Supervisory Board of CropEne [ … ]
Wed, 17.01.2024       Südzucker AG

Press release Mannheim, January 17, 2024   Südzucker AG announces start of acceptance period for public delisting tender offer to shareholders of CropEnergies AG Offer document published following approval by BaFin. Acceptance period commences today and ends on February 16, 2024; there will be no additional acceptance period. Opportunity for  [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.