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Mon, 30.09.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind Group announces 1H2024 with strong profitable growth reaffirming previously provided guidance for full year 2024 1H 2024 revenue amounted to CHF 5.9 MM, up by 122% compared to CHF 2.7MM in 1H 2023 and up by 69% compared to CHF 3.5MM in 2H 2023 1H 2024 EBITDA rose to CHF 1.1MM, up by 740% compared to CHF 135k in 2H 2023 and 1H 2023 EBI [ … ]
Wed, 11.09.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind Group intensifies business relationship with leading European retailer Zürich, Schweiz – 11. September 2024 - beaconsmind Group (ISIN: CH0451123589 – Ticker: MLBMD), a leading SaaS provider in the field of location-based marketing (LBM) & analytics, has expanded its collaboration with a leading European retailer. The beaconsmind s [ … ]
Fri, 28.06.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind Group announces FY2023 annual results confirming breakeven achieved in 2H 2023, reaffirming positive EBITDA guidance for 2024 FY 2023 revenues amounted CHF 6.1MM, up 294% compared to FY 2022, EBITDA of CHF -0.5MM vs. FY 2022 EBITDA of -4.6MM 2H 2023 revenue amounted to CHF 3.5MM, up by 31% as compared to 1H 2023 with 2H 2023 EBITDA br [ … ]
Fri, 14.06.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind Group expands in education sector with innovative media technologies Over 1.5 million Euro project volume for modernizing schools and universities Expected revenue growth of over 500,000 Euro next year Focus on hybrid learning and improving educational quality Zurich, Switzerland – 14 June 2024 – beaconsmind Group (ISIN: CH04511235 [ … ]
Fri, 31.05.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind Group expands with WiFi marketing product into Spain Annual revenue of EUR 600,000 in Spain through the expansion expected Focus on the hospitality and gastronomy sectors with significant growth potential Zurich, Switzerland – 31 May 2024 – beaconsmind Group (ISIN: CH0451123589 – Ticker: MLBMD), a leading SaaS provider in the field  [ … ]
Mon, 22.04.2024       beaconsmind AG

Strategic sales and technology cooperation between technology leaders at-visions, lokalee and beaconsmind Group with focus on MENA region At-visions specializes in developing innovative guest technologies for the hotel industry, including mobile apps, hotel TV systems, network infrastructure, and digital signage. Lokalee offers an AI-powered con [ … ]
Fri, 05.04.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind Group: First Berlin continues to rate beaconsmind share as "Buy" – Price target EUR 14.00 Zurich, Switzerland – 5th April 2024 – First Berlin Equity Research GmbH has published a new study on beaconsmind Group (ISIN: CH0451123589 - Ticker: MLBMD), a leading provider of SaaS and IT infrastructure systems focusing on digital transformati [ … ]
Tue, 12.03.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind Group: beaconsmind-solution enables significant improvement in customer ratings for a salon business Ryf with around 100 locations in Germany and Switzerland By using Socialwave Marketing Tools, the average rating increased from 4.4 to 4.7 stars in 3 months Following the remarkable success of this test, Ryf opted to expand the initia [ … ]
Tue, 05.03.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind Group has delivered and installed new projection technology for the stage at the Semperoper Dresden, one of Germany's largest opera houses Use of KADSOFT projection technology for the stage of Semperoper Dresden The customer project is associated with a revenue of 200 TSD. EUR for beaconsmind Group Zurich, Switzerland – 5. March 2024  [ … ]
Wed, 28.02.2024       beaconsmind AG

beaconsmind AG: NuWays continues to rate beaconsmind share as "Buy" – Price target EUR 15.00  Zurich, Switzerland – 28. February 2024 – Nuways has reviewed its rating of beaconsmind Group (ISIN: CH0451123589 - Ticker: MLBMD), a leading provider of SaaS and IT infrastructure systems focusing on digital transformation, location-based marketing, and  [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.