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Tue, 14.11.2023       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Salt Creek Oil & Gas sells Utah assets   EUR 17 million income from Utah assets in Q4 2023 group net income expected to exceed 2022 income of EUR 66.2 million Cash inflow of EUR 44 million from the divestments Further increase in the 2023 forecast Forecast for 2024 reduced by the effect of the transaction Deutsche Rohstoff AG (WKN A0XYG [ … ]
Wed, 27.09.2023       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Increased guidance for 2023 and 2024Mannheim. Deutsche Rohstoff AG raises its guidance for 2023 and 2024, due to the strong development of the WTI oil price and the US Dollar, a strong operational development and, as a consequence of the increased planning certainty from the successful issuance of the corporate bond 2023/2028  [ … ]
Wed, 26.04.2023       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Consolidated financial statements, increase in guidance for 2023, guidance for 2024 and dividend proposal Increase in EBITDA guidance in 2023 by around EUR 5 million/EUR 1.30 dividend/Revenue in 2024 up to EUR 190 millionMannheim. Deutsche Rohstoff AG today published the final consolidated figures for 2022. The preliminary fig [ … ]
Wed, 26.04.2023       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Consolidated financial statements, increase in guidance for 2023, guidance for 2024 and dividend proposal Increase in EBITDA guidance in 2023 by around EUR 5 million/EUR 1.30 dividend/Revenue in 2024 up to EUR 190 millionMannheim. Deutsche Rohstoff AG today published the final consolidated figures for 2022. The preliminary fig [ … ]
Mon, 12.12.2022       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Further raise of 2022 guidance   Oil and gas production in Q4 higher than expected Revenue and EBITDA 2022 around 7% above forecast of 14 October Forecast 2023 and outlook 2024 unchanged EBTIDA increases by a further ca. EUR 10 million Mannheim. Deutsche Rohstoff Group recorded higher oil production in the current quarter  [ … ]
Mon, 12.12.2022       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Further raise of 2022 guidance   Oil and gas production in Q4 higher than expected Revenue and EBITDA 2022 around 7% above forecast of 14 October Forecast 2023 and outlook 2024 unchanged EBTIDA increases by a further ca. EUR 10 million Mannheim. Deutsche Rohstoff Group recorded higher oil production in the current quarter  [ … ]
Fri, 14.10.2022       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: EUR 20 million net income in the third quarter EUR 52.6 million net income after 9 months Increased Forecast for 2022 and 2023 Revenue and EBITDA 2022 slightly above the "increased price scenario" forecast Revenues in 2023 expected to be around 20 million higher than previously planned Mannheim. In the first 9 months of 20 [ … ]
Fri, 14.10.2022       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: EUR 20 million net income in the third quarter EUR 52.6 million net income after 9 months Increased Forecast for 2022 and 2023 Revenue and EBITDA 2022 slightly above the "increased price scenario" forecast Revenues in 2023 expected to be around 20 million higher than previously planned Mannheim. In the first 9 months of 20 [ … ]
Mon, 10.10.2022       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Further joint development with Occidental USD 75 million additional investments in 2023 and 2024 Positive impact on 2023 forecast First-time forecast for 2024 assumes Group sales and EBITDA above EUR 100 million Mannheim. Salt Creek Oil & Gas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Deutsche Rohstoff AG (FRA: DR0), has entered int [ … ]
Mon, 10.10.2022       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Further joint development with Occidental USD 75 million additional investments in 2023 and 2024 Positive impact on 2023 forecast First-time forecast for 2024 assumes Group sales and EBITDA above EUR 100 million Mannheim. Salt Creek Oil & Gas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Deutsche Rohstoff AG (FRA: DR0), has entered int [ … ]

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Saturday, 21.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 265th day of the year, 101 days remaining until EoY.