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Thu, 23.05.2024       Viscom AG

Viscom AG: Adjustment of the annual forecast for the 2024 financial year and profit warningHanover, 23 May 2024 – In a difficult market environment, Viscom AG (ISIN DE0007846867) feels compelled to adjust its annual forecast for the 2024 financial year, which was last confirmed in the Viscom AG consolidated quarterly financial report. This is the r [ … ]
Tue, 27.02.2024       Viscom AG

Viscom AG: Executive Board resolves one-off dividend reduction to conserve liquidity Hanover, 27 February 2024 – The Executive Board of Viscom AG (ISIN DE0007846867), today decided at its extraordinary meeting, following the conclusion of a company agreement on short-time work, to propose to the Annual General Meeting a significantly reduced divid [ … ]
Mon, 17.07.2023       Viscom AG

Viscom AG: Subsidiary Exacom GmbH receives another major order from the energy storage products sector Hanover, 17 July 2023 - Exacom GmbH, a subsidiary of Viscom AG (ISIN DE0007846867), has received a further order for the supply of X-ray inspection systems from a customer in the energy storage products sector. The order has a total volume of arou [ … ]
Mon, 17.07.2023       Viscom AG

Viscom AG: Subsidiary Exacom GmbH receives another major order from the energy storage products sector Hanover, 17 July 2023 - Exacom GmbH, a subsidiary of Viscom AG (ISIN DE0007846867), has received a further order for the supply of X-ray inspection systems from a customer in the energy storage products sector. The order has a total volume of arou [ … ]
Thu, 22.06.2023       Viscom AG

 Viscom AG initiates concrete plans for change of legal form to European Company (Societas Europaea, SE) Hanover, 22 June 2023 - The Executive Board of Viscom AG, Hanover (ISIN DE 000 7846867), today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to prepare the change of legal form of the Company into a European Company (Societas Europaea, [ … ]
Thu, 22.06.2023       Viscom AG

 Viscom AG initiates concrete plans for change of legal form to European Company (Societas Europaea, SE) Hanover, 22 June 2023 - The Executive Board of Viscom AG, Hanover (ISIN DE 000 7846867), today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to prepare the change of legal form of the Company into a European Company (Societas Europaea, [ … ]
Thu, 30.03.2023       Viscom AG

Viscom AG: Subsidiary Exacom GmbH receives major order from the energy storage products sector Hanover, 30 March 2023 - Exacom GmbH, a subsidiary of Viscom AG (ISIN DE0007846867) founded in June 2022, has received an order for the delivery of X-ray inspection systems from a customer in the field of energy storage products. The order has a total vo [ … ]
Thu, 30.03.2023       Viscom AG

Viscom AG: Subsidiary Exacom GmbH receives major order from the energy storage products sector Hanover, 30 March 2023 - Exacom GmbH, a subsidiary of Viscom AG (ISIN DE0007846867) founded in June 2022, has received an order for the delivery of X-ray inspection systems from a customer in the field of energy storage products. The order has a total vo [ … ]
Mon, 23.01.2023       Viscom AG

 Viscom AG: Annual forecast for 2022 exceeded Hanover, 23 January 2023 – According to preliminary, unaudited figures, Viscom AG (ISIN DE0007846867) was once again able to significantly increase incoming orders and revenues in the fourth quarter of 2022, thus exceeding the annual forecast for these key figures for the 2022 financial year. Viscom AG [ … ]
Thu, 20.10.2022       Viscom AG

 Viscom AG publishes preliminary quarterly figures and raises forecast for 2022 financial year Hanover, 20 October 2022 – Based on preliminary figures, Viscom AG (ISIN DE0007846867) received orders with a total volume of € 81.0 million (previous year: € 67.7 million) and generated revenue of € 67.0 million in the first nine months of 2022, an incr [ … ]

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