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Wed, 15.06.2022       Südzucker AG

According to preliminary figures, Südzucker AG increased group revenues significantly to about EUR 2.25 (previous year: 1.75) billion and group EBITDA significantly to about EUR 230 (previous year: 121) million in the first quarter of the current 2022/23 financial year (1 March to 31 May 2022). Group operating result improved significantly to aroun [ … ]
Thu, 14.04.2022       Südzucker AG

Positive initial outlook for full fiscal 2022/23 despite Ukraine war After a very positive start to fiscal 2022/23, Südzucker AG expects EBITDA and operating result for the first quarter of fiscal 2022/23 (1 March to 31 May 2022) to be significantly higher than last year's levels (Q1 2021/22: EBITDA: EUR 121 million; operating result: EUR 49 milli [ … ]
Mon, 04.04.2022       Südzucker AG

Südzucker AG's executive board decided at its meeting today - subject to a corresponding resolution by the supervisory board - to propose to the annual general meeting a dividend of EUR 0.40 (previous year: 0.20) per share for the 2021/22 financial year. The supervisory board meeting is scheduled for 18 May 2022, and the annual general meeting is t [ … ]
Wed, 15.12.2021       Südzucker AG

In the third quarter of current fiscal year 2021/22 (1 September to 30 November 2021), Südzucker AG according to preliminary figures increased consolidated group revenues about 17 percent to about EUR 2.04 (previous year: 1.74) billion. The consolidated group operating result rose by about 90 percent to about EUR 126 (previous year: 66) million. Th [ … ]
Wed, 15.09.2021       Südzucker AG

In the second quarter of current fiscal year 2021/22 (1 June to 31 August 2021), Südzucker AG according to preliminary increased consolidated group revenues about 10 percent to about EUR 1.84 (previous year: 1.68) billion. The consolidated group operating result rose by about 25 percent to about EUR 85 (previous year: 68) million. The significant i [ … ]
Wed, 16.06.2021       Südzucker AG

In the first quarter of current fiscal year 2021/22 (1 March to 31 May 2021), Südzucker AG according to preliminary figures reached consolidated group revenues of about EUR 1.75 (previous year: 1.67) billion. The consolidated group operating result significantly decreased to about EUR 49 (previous year: 61) million. Pandemic driven heterogeneous b [ … ]
Mon, 14.12.2020       Südzucker AG

Insider information publication according to section 17 MAR Mannheim, 14 December 2020 According to preliminary figures, in the third quarter (1 September to 30 November 2020) of current business year 2020/21, Südzucker AG reached group revenues of EUR 1,740 (previous year: 1,713) million. The operating group result significantly increased - as e [ … ]
Thu, 12.11.2020       Südzucker AG

Insider information publication according to section 17 MAR Mannheim, 12 November 2020 Südzucker illustrated in the half-year report of business year 2020/21 that ED&F Man Holdings Limited, London, UK (Südzucker participation: about 35 percent) - as part of its strategic rea-lignment - is focusing on its profitable trading business. The plan  [ … ]

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