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Wed, 21.02.2024       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Mercedes-Benz Group AG resolves to implement a share buyback policy and to conduct a further share buyback programme Mercedes-Benz Group AG has resolved to implement a share buyback policy. Based on such policy, the future Free Cash Flow from the industrial business (as available post potential small-scale M&A) generated beyond the approx. 40  [ … ]
Thu, 01.02.2024       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Preliminary and unaudited free cash flow of the industrial business of Mercedes-Benz Group for the financial year 2023 above guidance and market expectations Stuttgart, Germany – Mercedes-Benz Group’s preliminary and unaudited results for the financial year 2023 show that the free cash flow of the industrial business exceeds guidance and market e [ … ]
Wed, 26.07.2023       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Mercedes-Benz Group AG raises full-year guidance based on solid financial results in the second quarter   Due to the solid financial performance in the second quarter of 2023, Mercedes-Benz Group today updated its full-year outlook: Industrial Free Cash Flow for the Group is now expected slightly above the prior-year level (previously: at the s [ … ]
Wed, 26.07.2023       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Mercedes-Benz Group AG raises full-year guidance based on solid financial results in the second quarter   Due to the solid financial performance in the second quarter of 2023, Mercedes-Benz Group today updated its full-year outlook: Industrial Free Cash Flow for the Group is now expected slightly above the prior-year level (previously: at the s [ … ]
Thu, 20.04.2023       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

  Mercedes-Benz Group AG: Strong preliminary results for the first quarter 2023 exceed capital market expectations   Stuttgart, Germany – Mercedes-Benz Group achieved strong financial results in the first quarter 2023 with especially the Industrial Free Cash Flow exceeding capital market expectations. Mercedes-Benz Cars delivered an adjusted Re [ … ]
Thu, 20.04.2023       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

  Mercedes-Benz Group AG: Strong preliminary results for the first quarter 2023 exceed capital market expectations   Stuttgart, Germany – Mercedes-Benz Group achieved strong financial results in the first quarter 2023 with especially the Industrial Free Cash Flow exceeding capital market expectations. Mercedes-Benz Cars delivered an adjusted Re [ … ]
Thu, 16.02.2023       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Mercedes-Benz Group AG resolves share buyback programme Today, the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG have resolved to conduct a share buyback programme. Beginning March 2023, own shares worth up to EUR 4 billion (not including incidental costs) are intended to be acquired on the stock exchange over a period of [ … ]
Thu, 16.02.2023       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Mercedes-Benz Group AG resolves share buyback programme Today, the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG have resolved to conduct a share buyback programme. Beginning March 2023, own shares worth up to EUR 4 billion (not including incidental costs) are intended to be acquired on the stock exchange over a period of [ … ]
Fri, 11.02.2022       Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Mercedes-Benz Group AG posts strong preliminary financial results for the year 2021 and exceeds own expectations. Stuttgart, Germany - Mercedes-Benz Group AG achieved strong financial results in the year 2021 based on preliminary unaudited figures. The Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans segment has exceeded the guidance range of 10 to 12% and now expe [ … ]
Thu, 15.07.2021       Daimler AG

Preliminary second quarter 2021 results above market expectations despite semiconductor shortage   Stuttgart, Germany - Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans achieved strong results in the second quarter thanks to convincing products, favorable product mix, pricing and ongoing cost discipline. This was despite negative effects from the very limited avail [ … ]

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