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Wed, 19.06.2024       CENIT AG

Stuttgart, 19 June 2024 - The Supervisory Board today approved the premature extension of Peter Schneck's contract. The Management Board contract, originally concluded for three years, has now been extended for a period of five years until 17 October 2029. Peter Schneck joined CENIT AG as a member of the Management Board on 18 October 2021 and was [ … ]
Wed, 27.03.2024       CENIT AG

CENIT AG: Management Board and Supervisory Board propose dividend of EUR 0.04 per share diverging from the previous dividend policy Stuttgart, 27 March 2024 - The Management Board and Supervisory Board of CENIT AG have decided to propose to the 2024 Annual General Meeting that a dividend of EUR 0.04 per share be distributed from the net profit of  [ … ]
Thu, 24.11.2022       CENIT AG

Stuttgart, November 24, 2022 - CENIT AG publishes an update for the fourth quarter of 2022 and adjusts the forecast for the fiscal year 2022, despite the significant sales growth of 22% in the 3rd quarter, after it is no longer expected that the generally deteriorated environment in the markets, relevant for CENIT, will recover significantly in the [ … ]
Thu, 24.11.2022       CENIT AG

Stuttgart, November 24, 2022 - CENIT AG publishes an update for the fourth quarter of 2022 and adjusts the forecast for the fiscal year 2022, despite the significant sales growth of 22% in the 3rd quarter, after it is no longer expected that the generally deteriorated environment in the markets, relevant for CENIT, will recover significantly in the [ … ]
Wed, 12.10.2022       CENIT AG

Stuttgart, October 12, 2022 - Axelle Mazé will take over the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) from mid-October 2022, succeeding Dr. Markus Wesel. Axelle Mazé, a French native, has been working for the CENIT Group for eight years in the position of CFO of the French subsidiary KEONYS in Paris. Rainer Koppitz, Chairman of the Supervisory Bo [ … ]
Wed, 12.10.2022       CENIT AG

Stuttgart, October 12, 2022 - Axelle Mazé will take over the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) from mid-October 2022, succeeding Dr. Markus Wesel. Axelle Mazé, a French native, has been working for the CENIT Group for eight years in the position of CFO of the French subsidiary KEONYS in Paris. Rainer Koppitz, Chairman of the Supervisory Bo [ … ]
Sun, 03.04.2022       CENIT AG

CENIT AG acquires majority stake in ISR Information Products AG Stuttgart, April 03, 2022 - CENIT Aktiengesellschaft (ISIN: DE0005407100) today signed a purchase agreement for the acquisition of 74.9% of the shares in ISR Information Products AG. By this deal both companies intend to combine their competencies in the field of document logistics a [ … ]
Mon, 14.03.2022       CENIT AG

Stuttgart, March 14, 2022: After advanced analysis of the so far preliminary results of the CENIT Group during the still ongoing closing process, the latest sales forecast of EUR 153.0 - 155.0 million for the fiscal year 2021 as of January 28, 2022 will be adjusted due to a change in the accounting methodology according to IFRS 15. Consequently, th [ … ]
Fri, 28.01.2022       CENIT AG

Release of inside information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 Stuttgart, January 28, 2022: After analyzing the preliminary results of the CENIT Group during the still ongoing year-end closing process, the latest forecast for the 2021 fiscal year has been distinctly exceeded. Group sales are presumably expected to be approxi [ … ]
Tue, 28.09.2021       CENIT AG

Supervisory Board calls Peter Schneck to CENIT AG Management Board Stuttgart, September 28, 2021 - Peter Schneck is to join the Management Board of CENIT AG and will assume the position of CEO on January 1, 2022. As planned, the outgoing CEO Kurt Bengel will leave the company at the end of 2021. On May 27, 2021, CENIT announced that current CEO  [ … ]

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