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Tue, 10.10.2023       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 10 October 2023 - The Management Board of 11880 Solutions AG (WKN 511880) today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to carry out a cash capital increase from authorised capital against cash contributions by issuing 317,000 new shares at an issue price of 1.05 euros. The capital increase will be carried out under exclusion o [ … ]
Wed, 30.08.2023       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 30 August 2023 – The Management Board of 11880 Solutions AG (WKN 511880) today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to carry out a capital increase from authorised capital against contributions in kind at an issue price of EUR 1.05 per new share and excluding shareholders' subscription rights to acquire the pay-per-lead prov [ … ]
Thu, 03.11.2022       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 03 November 2022 - 11880 Solutions AG, Essen, (WKN 511880), announces its preliminary Q3 results and adjusts its full-year forecast for 2022. In particular, unexpected bad debt losses due to looming insolvencies and an increased reluctance to buy on the part of corporate customers, higher third-party service costs as well as a mandatory pri [ … ]
Thu, 03.11.2022       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 03 November 2022 - 11880 Solutions AG, Essen, (WKN 511880), announces its preliminary Q3 results and adjusts its full-year forecast for 2022. In particular, unexpected bad debt losses due to looming insolvencies and an increased reluctance to buy on the part of corporate customers, higher third-party service costs as well as a mandatory pri [ … ]
Mon, 31.01.2022       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 31. January 2022 - 11880 Solutions AG, Essen, (ISIN DE 0005118806), is expected to significantly exceed the EBITDA forecast of EUR 3.1 to 4.3 million issued at the beginning of 2021. Based on the still ongoing preparation and audit of the 2021 consolidated financial statements, the company currently expects EBITDA of EUR 5.6 to 6.1 million f [ … ]
Mon, 08.11.2021       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 08 November 2021 - The supervisory board of 11880 Solutions AG has now succeeded in securing the services of CEO Christian Maar for a third term. With an early contract extension, the manager, who was appointed CEO of the company on 29 April 2015, has now been signed up for a further five years and will thus lead 11880 Solutions AG until at  [ … ]
Thu, 10.09.2020       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 10 September 2020 - 11880 Solutions AG (WKN 511880) today successfully implemented the capital increase from authorised capital in return for cash and non-cash contributions adopted on 26 August 2020. Under the subscription and over-subscription offer and the subsequent private placement, a total of 3,893,000 new no-par value bearer shares o [ … ]
Wed, 26.08.2020       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 26 August 2020 - The Management Board of 11880 Solutions AG (WKN 511880) today adopted a resolution, approved by the Supervisory Board, to implement a capital increase from authorised capital in return for cash and non-cash contributions by issuing up to 3,893,000 new shares carrying pre-emption rights. The subscription ratio is 27:5. The m [ … ]

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