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Wed, 24.08.2022       Helvetica Property

Ad hoc-disclosure according to article 53 KR August 24, 2022 Press release (PDF) Zurich, August 24, 2022 – Helvetica Swiss Commercial Fund (HSC Fund) increased its occupancy rate to 93.4% in the first half of the year because of active asset management. The market value of the portfolio increased to CHF 752.9 million without further portfolio acq [ … ]
Wed, 24.08.2022       Helvetica Property

Ad hoc-disclosure according to article 53 KR August 24, 2022 Press release (PDF) Zurich, August 24, 2022 – Helvetica Swiss Commercial Fund (HSC Fund) increased its occupancy rate to 93.4% in the first half of the year because of active asset management. The market value of the portfolio increased to CHF 752.9 million without further portfolio acq [ … ]
Fri, 29.07.2022       Helvetica Property

Ad hoc-disclosure according to article 53 KR July 29, 2022 Press release (PDF) Zurich, July 29, 2022 – Helvetica Swiss Commercial Fund increases occupancy rate to 93.4%.       The fund management company looks back on a successful first semester of the Helvetica Swiss Commercial Fund. The market value increased slightly by around 0.4% to CHF 753  [ … ]
Fri, 29.07.2022       Helvetica Property

Ad hoc-disclosure according to article 53 KR July 29, 2022 Press release (PDF) Zurich, July 29, 2022 – Helvetica Swiss Commercial Fund increases occupancy rate to 93.4%.       The fund management company looks back on a successful first semester of the Helvetica Swiss Commercial Fund. The market value increased slightly by around 0.4% to CHF 753  [ … ]
Wed, 16.12.2020       Helvetica Property

Press release 16 December 2020 Zurich, 16 December 2020 - The Helvetica Swiss Living Fund acquires eight high-quality residential properties with 220 apartments. The high-quality apartment buildings are in good locations in five cantons.HSL Fund continues to grow, adding eight properties, 220 apartments and rental income of around CHF 4.2 million p [ … ]

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