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Ad-hoc news is mandatory information from listed companies that must be made available to investors. Depending on the occasion and content of the news, it can have an impact on the share price. The newsfeed covers a wide range of topics relevant to investor relations and is recommended as an important source of information before making an investment decision.
Mon, 19.08.2024       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, August 19, 2024 – The Metall Zug Group posted net sales of CHF 181.2 million in the first half of 2024 (previous year: CHF 228.4 million). Thanks to the gain of CHF 66.6 million in connection with the joint venture between Belimed and Steelco, the operating result (EBI [ … ]
Mon, 11.03.2024       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, March 11, 2024 – The Metall Zug Group posted net sales of CHF 494.7 million in 2023 (previous year: CHF 645.9 million, or CHF 487.0 million excluding the Schleuniger Group). The operating result (EBIT) declined to CHF 13.8 million (previous year: CHF 135.9 million or C [ … ]
Tue, 28.11.2023       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, November 28, 2023 – Metall Zug and Miele have signed an agreement under which Metall Zug will contribute Belimed AG and Belimed Life Science AG, and Miele will contribute the Steelco Group into a new joint venture to be established. Metall Zug will participate in the j [ … ]
Thu, 10.08.2023       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, August 10, 2023 – The Metall Zug Group posted net sales of CHF 228.4 million in the first half of 2023 (previous year: CHF 324.4 million, or CHF 207.5 million excluding the Schleuniger Group). The operating result (EBIT) came to CHF 7.6 million (previous year: CHF 23.5 [ … ]
Mon, 13.03.2023       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, March 13, 2023 – Metall Zug generated net sales of CHF 645.9 million in 2022. Adjusted for divestment effects, this represents a pleasing increase of 9.8 %. Thanks to the book gain of CHF 89.7 million from the combination between Schleuniger and Komax, the operating re [ … ]
Mon, 13.03.2023       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, March 13, 2023 – Metall Zug generated net sales of CHF 645.9 million in 2022. Adjusted for divestment effects, this represents a pleasing increase of 9.8 %. Thanks to the book gain of CHF 89.7 million from the combination between Schleuniger and Komax, the operating re [ … ]
Wed, 31.08.2022       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, August 31, 2022 - The closing of the combination between the Schleuniger Group and the Komax Group has been completed on August 30, 2022. As a result, Metall Zug will realize a one-off and EBIT-impacting book gain of approximately CHF 90 million. After the relevant com [ … ]
Wed, 31.08.2022       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, August 31, 2022 - The closing of the combination between the Schleuniger Group and the Komax Group has been completed on August 30, 2022. As a result, Metall Zug will realize a one-off and EBIT-impacting book gain of approximately CHF 90 million. After the relevant com [ … ]
Thu, 11.08.2022       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, August 11, 2022 – The Metall Zug Group posted net sales of CHF 324.4 million in the first half of 2022 (H1 2021: CHF 302.8 million). This is equivalent to an increase of 7.1 %. The operating result (EBIT) for the first half of 2022 came to CHF 23.5 million (H1 2021: CH [ … ]
Thu, 11.08.2022       Metall Zug AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Zug, August 11, 2022 – The Metall Zug Group posted net sales of CHF 324.4 million in the first half of 2022 (H1 2021: CHF 302.8 million). This is equivalent to an increase of 7.1 %. The operating result (EBIT) for the first half of 2022 came to CHF 23.5 million (H1 2021: CH [ … ]

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Sunday, 22.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 266th day of the year, 100 days remaining until EoY.