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Ad-hoc news is mandatory information from listed companies that must be made available to investors. Depending on the occasion and content of the news, it can have an impact on the share price. The newsfeed covers a wide range of topics relevant to investor relations and is recommended as an important source of information before making an investment decision.
Thu, 24.11.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, November 24, 2022   Edisun Power bond issue attracts strong interest at almost CHF 35 million The CHF 20 million bond with a five-year term (December 1, 2022 – November 30, 2027) and a 3% interest rate issued on August 26, 2022 has met with extremely great interest among both existing and new i [ … ]
Thu, 24.11.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, November 24, 2022   Edisun Power bond issue attracts strong interest at almost CHF 35 million The CHF 20 million bond with a five-year term (December 1, 2022 – November 30, 2027) and a 3% interest rate issued on August 26, 2022 has met with extremely great interest among both existing and new i [ … ]
Fri, 11.11.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, November 11, 2022, 6 p.m.   New solar plant of 23 MW starts solar power production The Edisun Power Group has connected another 23.4 MW plant in Portugal to the grid.   The connection of the plant "Betty" increases the total installed solar production capacity of Edisun Power to 107.1 MW. The  [ … ]
Fri, 11.11.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, November 11, 2022, 6 p.m.   New solar plant of 23 MW starts solar power production The Edisun Power Group has connected another 23.4 MW plant in Portugal to the grid.   The connection of the plant "Betty" increases the total installed solar production capacity of Edisun Power to 107.1 MW. The  [ … ]
Fri, 26.08.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, August 26, 2022   Record profit with positive outlook Revenue growth of 8% to CHF 9.23 million (+14.7% in local currency) Net profit increase to CHF 6.19 million (+144.3%) High unrealized currency gains on euro-denominated loans New bond with 3% interest as of 1 December 2022 The sales revenu [ … ]
Fri, 26.08.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, August 26, 2022   Record profit with positive outlook Revenue growth of 8% to CHF 9.23 million (+14.7% in local currency) Net profit increase to CHF 6.19 million (+144.3%) High unrealized currency gains on euro-denominated loans New bond with 3% interest as of 1 December 2022 The sales revenu [ … ]
Mon, 04.07.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, July 4, 2022 Focus on proactive "buy-and-sell" portfolio management Capital increase not being implemented at present The Board of Directors of Edisun Power Europe Ltd. has decided not to implement the planned capital increase at present. This decision is linked to the recently adjusted strate [ … ]
Mon, 04.07.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, July 4, 2022 Focus on proactive "buy-and-sell" portfolio management Capital increase not being implemented at present The Board of Directors of Edisun Power Europe Ltd. has decided not to implement the planned capital increase at present. This decision is linked to the recently adjusted strate [ … ]
Mon, 02.05.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, May 2, 2022 Edisun Power announces mid-term targetsBuilding on a solid foundation and strong outlook in its core business, Edisun Power has defined an ambitious expansion plan along two key business activities: its existing Independent Power Producer (IPP) business and a pro-active asset managemen [ … ]
Fri, 22.04.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, April 22, 2022 Shareholders approve all proposalsThe Annual General Meeting of Edisun Power Europe Ltd. took place today. It was held without the physical presence of shareholders at the company's headquarters. All proposals of the Board of Directors were approved with a large majority. The indepe [ … ]

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