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Ad-hoc news is mandatory information from listed companies that must be made available to investors. Depending on the occasion and content of the news, it can have an impact on the share price. The newsfeed covers a wide range of topics relevant to investor relations and is recommended as an important source of information before making an investment decision.
Fri, 25.03.2022       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, March 25, 2022 Record results, electricity production and pipeline significantly expanded - Revenue up 38.8% to CHF 17.16 million (+37.3% in local currency) - EBITDA up 49.9% to CHF 13.04 million - Net profit up 36.9% to CHF 4.51 million - Electricity production up 152.8% to 120'254 MWh - PV  [ … ]
Fri, 10.12.2021       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, December 10, 2021 Edisun Power sets the course for accelerated growth - Deepening of strategic partnership with Smartenergy - Strengthening of market capitalization - Change in management Dynamic expansion of the portfolio In view of the dynamic market environment, the Board of Directors of E [ … ]
Thu, 18.11.2021       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, November 18, 2021 Investors send out a clear signal in favor of solar energy: Edisun Power bond heavily oversubscribed The CHF 20 million bond with a five-year term (December 1, 2021 - November 30, 2026) and a 2% interest rate issued on August 26, 2021 has met with extremely great interest among b [ … ]
Fri, 27.08.2021       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad-hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Zurich, August 27, 2021 Half-year profit almost doubled, outstanding annual result expected - Revenue growth of 33% to CHF 8.55 million - Net profit increase of 86% to CHF 2.53 million - Rise in 2021 profit forecast from CHF 3.7 million to CHF 4.6 million - Issue of a new bond as of December 1, 2021  [ … ]
Wed, 28.04.2021       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad-hoc press release Zurich, April 28, 2021 Change in the Executive Board of the Edisun Power Group The CFO of the Edisun Power Group, Reto Simmen, has decided to take on a new challenge outside the Group. He will be leaving the Group by the end of October at the latest. Reto Simmen was instrumental in ensuring the Group's efficient and reliable  [ … ]
Fri, 23.04.2021       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad-hoc press release Zurich, April 23, 2021 Annual General Meeting approves all proposalsThe Annual General Meeting of Edisun Power Europe Ltd. took place today. Owing to the COVID-19 Ordinance 3 of the Swiss Federal Council, it was held without the physical presence of shareholders at the company's headquarters. All proposals of the Board of Dire [ … ]
Tue, 13.04.2021       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad-hoc Press Release Zurich, April 13, 2021 All Portuguese photovoltaic projects ready to build The Palmela municipality east of Lisbon issued a building permit on April 12 for the 49.4 MW Poceirão photovoltaic plant, thus granting it RTB (ready to build) status. This means that the following four Edisun Power projects, with a total capacity of 1 [ … ]
Tue, 30.03.2021       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad-hoc Press Release Zurich, March 30, 2021 Proposal to Strengthen Board of Directors At the Annual General Meeting on 23 April 2021 the Board of Directors of Edisun Power Europe Ltd. will propose that Horst H. Mahmoudi and Marc Klingelfuss be elected to the Board of Directors. Horst H. Mahmoudi will replace Rainer Isenrich as Chairman of the Boar [ … ]
Wed, 30.12.2020       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc press release Zurich, December 30, 2020 First Portuguese large-scale plant starts commercial operation On December 30, the 49 MW plant Mogadouro, the Edisun Power Group's largest photovoltaic plant so far, was connected to the Portuguese electricity grid. Thanks to the successful conclusion of this development project, the Group is on track [ … ]
Fri, 21.08.2020       Edisun Power Europe AG

Ad hoc press release Zurich, August 21, 2020 Half-year results in line with expectations despite challenging environment - Revenue down 11% to CHF 6.41 million - Net profit drops by 17% to CHF 1.36 million - Profit forecast of CHF 2.8 million confirmed for 2020 - Implementation of Portuguese projects on track with only minor delays The Edisun [ … ]

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