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Wed, 28.02.2024       Kontron AG

Linz, 28 February 2024 – All closing conditions of the share purchase agreement dated 18 January 2024 between Kontron Acquisition GmbH, Ismaning, and PRIMEPULSE SE, Munich, regarding the acquisition of 8,587,138 shares (corresponding to approx. 59.4%) of KATEK SE, listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, have been met today. T [ … ]
Thu, 18.01.2024       Kontron AG

Around 59.4% of shares acquired from PRIMEPULSE SE, the majority shareholder of KATEK Purchase realised by German subsidiary Kontron Acquisition GmbH Delisting of KATEK SE planned Plans to grow the KATEK business by upgrading the products with Kontron IoT technology and software Kontron AG ends its ongoing share buyback program Linz, 18 Januar [ … ]
Wed, 11.10.2023       Kontron AG

  •   The Bsquare acquisition expands Kontron’s IoT offering by adding extensive software capabilities, and enables Kontron to more effectively market its European software solutions in North America. Seattle, Washington and Linz, Austria—October 11, 2023: Kontron America, Incorporated (“Kontron”), a global leader in IoT Technology, and  [ … ]
Wed, 27.09.2023       Kontron AG

27.09.2023 | Austria On 27.09.2023, the Executive Board of Kontron AG (, ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, KTN) resolved on the implementation of a new buyback program for own shares ("Buyback Program II 2023") in accordance with § 65 para. 1 no. 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG) by further utilizing the authorization gran [ … ]

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Monday, 16.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 260th day of the year, 106 days remaining until EoY.