GBC AG: Defence Therapeutics Inc. | Rating: BUY
Original-Research: Defence Therapeutics Inc. - von GBC AG
Einstufung von GBC AG zu Defence Therapeutics Inc.
Unternehmen: Defence Therapeutics Inc.
ISIN: CA24463V1013
Anlass der Studie: Research Report (Initial Coverage)
Empfehlung: BUY
Kursziel: 11,02 CAD (7,06 EUR)
Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022
Letzte Ratingänderung:
Analyst: Julien Desrosiers, Cosmin Filker
Uniquely Positioned with versatile ACCUM(TM); Enormous upside potential; Next generation of cancer treatment
- Proprietary platform technology with proven enhanced intracellular delivery. Promotes delivery of target product without non-specific protein/antigen degradation or interference.
- Strong versatility of the Accum(TM) platform. The company has published promising pre-clinical results in eleven different indications with various applications in ADCs, Cancer Vaccines, and ID Vaccines.
- Uniquely positioned. Accum(TM) technology is the next generation of cancer treatment.
- Massive upside potential. All their current research is pre-clinical and have shown remarkable results.
- Growth opportunity. The company is far from done unlocking the full potential of Accum(TM) technology.
- Attractive capital structure. The company has only 47.0M shares fully diluted
- Well financed. The company has currently enough cash on hand to complete their planned Phase I studies.
- Strong and Extensive experienced team in pre-clinical/clinical, business development, CMC and regulatory.
- Major milestones to be achieved within the next 6-12 months with many GLP ongoing studies and planned filing of Phase I studies for both Melanoma and breast cancer.
- Flexible business model: From royalties to JVs or full development. Accum(TM) technology allows for an optimized business model for each indication and possible near-term revenues.
- Based on our DCF model we have determine a price target of 11.02 CAD (7.60 EUR) per share and a BUY rating.
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Date and time of completion of the study: 09/02/2022 (9:32 pm)
Date and time of first transmission: 10/02/2022 (11:00 am)
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