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Thu, 25.04.2024       Symrise AG

Symrise reported solid sales figures for Q1 24. While organic sales growth remained strong (+11% yoy), negative currency effects (-5.6%) burdened the company's Q1 sales development. Overall, sales in reporting currency grew by only 5% yoy to EUR 1.29bn - in line with consensus and mwb research’s estimates. Although the growth rate is slightly below mwb research’s FY run rate of 6%, the analysts believe the company is on track to meet the estimates given a more favorable base effect in H2 24. Encouragingly, management reaffirmed its FY24 growth and profitability targets, targeting organic revenue growth ahead of the relevant market growth of 3-4% and an EBITDA margin of around 20%. The research experts reiterate their SELL rating with a PT of EUR 90.00, supported by the stand-alone and comparable valuation. Also, after competitor Givaudan recently set the bar high with its quarterly results, today's "decent" numbers may have disappointed some market participants. The full update can be downloaded under
Thu, 25.04.2024       AIXTRON SE

Aixtron's Q1 results show a mixed performance, with revenues beating expectations at EUR 118m (+53% yoy), but gross margins disappointing at 37%, below both FY24 guidance and previous quarters. The company attributes this to product mix, likely due to increased sales of traditional LED equipment, compounded by a weaker USD. Despite missing operating income targets, net income is in line with expectations due to tax benefits from loss carry-forwards. Order intake of EUR 120m is in line with expectations, with a notable 37% share of MicroLED R&D and pilot production lines. Aixtron reiterates its FY24 guidance and expects Q2 revenues of EUR 120-140m, below consensus. Despite potential short-term disappointments, Aixtron's strong competitive position in long-term growth markets supports mwb research’s BUY rating with an unchanged price target of EUR 33.00.The full update can be downloaded under
Wed, 24.04.2024       Deutsche Rohstoff AG

Deutsche Rohstoff's published final figures for FY23, in line with the preliminary report. The company also converted German GAAP to pro forma IFRS, which reveals a clear enhancement across key performance indicators, including a 6% rise in revenues, 5% in EBITDA, and 10% in net income, primarily attributed to fair value accounting adjustments. Moreover, the company's proposed shareholder remuneration strategy, featuring a 35% dividend increase, a sizable share buyback program, and the cash settlement of share options, underscores a commitment to rewarding investors while balancing future growth prospects. With the introduction of a promising forecast for 2025, Deutsche Rohstoff remains an enticing investment opportunity, especially considering its substantial discount to peers on both reported and even more so on reconciled metrics. mwb research’s analysts reiterate to BUY with PT EUR 56.70. The full update can be downloaded under
Wed, 24.04.2024       Multitude SE

Multitude’s Annual General Meeting will be held on April 25 at 10:00 a.m. (EEST / Finnish time) in Helsinki. Virtual participation will not be possible. This will be the last AGM to be held in Finland, as Multitude is moving its headquarters to Switzerland. The company is expected to be registered in Malta on or about June 30, 2024. Subsequently, registration in Switzerland will be applied for by the end of 2024 in accordance with the applicable Maltese and Swiss laws. In 2023 basic earnings per share jumped from EUR 0.38 to EUR 0.51 and the management now wants shareholders to participate in this success and proposes to pay a dividend of EUR 0.19 per share which corresponds to a current yield of 3.5%. Multitude’s strategic focus remains on the financial stability of the business model and the reduction of risks. With a P/E ratio of only 4.6x 25E, the growth prospects are not yet taken into account. Therefore, it is not too late for shareholders to participate in the company's growth potential. mwb research’s rating remains BUY with an unchanged price target of EUR 13.20. The full update can be downloaded under
Tue, 23.04.2024       Mayr-Melnhof Karton AG

In the first quarter of 2024, the Mayr-Melnhof Group (MM) reported mixed results, with revenues declining by 9% year-on-year to EUR 1.0bn, and both divisions contributing to the decline. Margins faced pressure from rising production costs, while free cash flow slightly worsened. The Board & Paper division showed strong volume growth of 19% year-on-year, but suffered from a hostile pricing environment, resulting in a 7% revenue decline and negative operating margins. Conversely, the Packaging division performed well despite a 10% revenue decline year-on-year, with operating profit increasing. MM's outlook for 2024 remains vague, with uncertainties regarding the extent to which price increases can offset rising input costs, prompting mwb research’s analysts to take a more cautious stance. Adjusted estimates lead to a new price target of EUR 148.00 (old: EUR 153.00). mwb research reiterates the BUY recommendation. The full update can be downloaded under
Tue, 23.04.2024       MHP Hotel AG

MHP Hotel AG (MHP) reported a robust Q1 24 performance with organic revenue growth of 7%, driven by equally strong increases in the accommodation and food and beverage (F&B) segments. In particular, F&B successfully compensated for the VAT increase, demonstrating the effective implementation of new concepts. Stable room rates and increased occupancy led to a 7% improvement in revenue per available room. The outlook remains stable, with potential for exceptional summer performance, particularly for MHP's German hotels, all located in UEFA Euro 2024 cities. With the planned opening of Hotel Koenigshof in Munich in Q2, MHP is even better positioned to capitalize on this momentum. A potentially growing pipeline with Hotel am Schlossgarten in Stuttgart should keep the news flow positive. mwb research’s analysts reiterate their BUY rating on MHP with a price target of EUR 3.00. The full update can be downloaded under
Tue, 23.04.2024       Mister Spex SE

Mister Spex will report Q1 results on May 8, which mwb research’s analysts expect to be rather lackluster. Revenue growth is expected to be only 1% y-o-y, likely hampered by subdued consumer sentiment in Germany and the timing of the Easter holiday. Gross margins are expected to decline by 2.5 percentage points to around 51%, leading to an adjusted EBITDA of around EUR -3m. Nevertheless, the analysts expect management to maintain its FY24 outlook of low to mid-single digit revenue growth and low single digit adjusted EBITDA margin. With a substantial cash reserve above the market cap and prospects for future earnings improvement, mwb research’s analysts reiterate their BUY rating with an unchanged PT of EUR 6.60. The full update can be downloaded under
Mon, 22.04.2024       Puma SE

Last week, Puma’s competitor Adidas lifted its FY guidance amid better-than-expected Q1 performance as the company is recovering from its scrapped collaboration with Kanye West. mwb research’s analysts see little relevance for Puma here, as the general trend for Adidas remains unchanged. Like Adidas, Puma is expecting unfavorable currency effects to negatively impact both reported revenues and the gross margin development. A recovery is expected for 2025 onwards. The analysts finetuned their forecasts to reflect the CMD update but maintain their PT (EUR 60.00). The recommendation remains to BUY. The full update can be downloaded
Mon, 22.04.2024       HWK 1365 SE

HWK 1365 SE (HWK) is the world market leader in large calender rolls, a high-tech product that is essential for the production of high-quality paper and cardboard. With an 80% market share in this niche, the company supplies leading paper machine manufacturers and is benefiting from growth drivers such as the increasing use of coated board and folding cartons, as well as the expansion of its service business and diversification into the food industry. The IPO gives investors the opportunity to invest not only in a hidden champion, but also in Germany's oldest industrial company. mwb research’s analysts recommend to BUY with a price target of EUR 80.00 on a DCF basis. The full update can be downloaded under
Fri, 19.04.2024       Sartorius AG

Der Umsatz von Sartorius blieb im ersten Quartal mit einem währungsbereinigten Rückgang von 8% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr hinter den Konsenswerten zurück, was auf eine schwächere Nachfrage in China und eine hohe Vergleichsbasis zurückzuführen war. Auch der Konsens zum Auftragseingang wurde verfehlt, obwohl dieser im Jahresvergleich um 8% stieg. Das adj. EBITDA übertraf zwar die Markterwartungen, lag aber dennoch um 14% unter dem Vorjahreswert. Wie bereits zuvor warnte das Management vor der Investitionszurückhaltung seiner Kunden in China und in gewissem Maße auch in Europa, was die Auftragseingänge im Anlagengeschäft dämpft. Positiv zu vermerken ist, dass sich die Aufträge bei den Verbrauchsmaterialien gut erholen. Das Management erwartet, dass die Kunden ihre Lagerbestände im ersten Halbjahr weiter abbauen werden; im zweiten Halbjahr dürfte die Dynamik jedoch wieder zunehmen. Für 2024 bestätigte das Unternehmen die Prognose für ein mittleres bis hohes einstelliges jährliches Umsatzwachstum und eine Verbesserung der bereinigten EBITDA-Marge auf etwas über 30 %. Nach einem schwachen Start in Q1 halten die Analysten von mwb research EBITDA-Margenziele von über 30% für eher ambitioniert als wahrscheinlich. Die Experten halten an ihrer VERKAUFEN-Empfehlung fest, da die Bewertungen überzogen erscheinen, und behalten ihr DCF-basiertes Kursziel von EUR 240,00 bei. Die vollständige Analyse ist abrufbar unter

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Sunday, 07.07.2024, Calendar Week 27, 189th day of the year, 177 days remaining until EoY.