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Tue, 04.05.2021       Media and Games Invest plc

Jump in revenue and earnings in the first quarter of 2021; the largest growth pipeline in the company's history ensures further dynamic growth; the expected recovery of the advertising market offers additional growth potential for the Group's own digital advertising division, increase in forecasts and price target Turnover and earnings developme [ … ]
Tue, 27.04.2021       Media and Games Invest plc

First Berlin Equity Research hat ein Research Update zu Media and Games Invest plc (ISIN: MT0000580101) veröffentlicht. Analyst Ellis Acklin bestätigt seine BUY-Empfehlung und erhöht das Kursziel von EUR 5,30 auf EUR 6,10. Zusammenfassung: Der Q1-Bericht zeigte eine Fortsetzung der guten Geschäftsdynamik. Der Umsatz stieg auf [ … ]
Wed, 27.01.2021       Media and Games Invest plc

26/01/2021 - GBC Management Interview with Paul Echt, CFO of Media and Games Invest Group ' We clearly want to reach the billion market capitalisation here and continue to grow beyond that. ' Media and Games Invest (MGI) is a fast and profitable growing digital media and games company. The company combines organic growth with targeted valuecre [ … ]
Tue, 19.01.2021       Media and Games Invest plc

First Berlin Equity Research hat ein Research Update zu Media and Games Invest plc (ISIN: MT0000580101) veröffentlicht. Analyst Ellis Acklin bestätigt seine BUY-Empfehlung und erhöht das Kursziel von EUR 2,80 auf EUR 4,00. Zusammenfassung: MGI hat einen Vertrag zur Übernahme von KingsIsle Entertainment für $126 Mio. unte [ … ]
Mon, 07.12.2020       Media and Games Invest plc

9 Months 2020: MGI continues on a clear growth course, expansion of mobile gaming activities opens up additional high revenue potential; company guidance raised again; increase of forecasts and target price On 30 November 2020, Media and Games Invest plc (MGI) announced its Q3 business figures and 9-month business figures respectively. On the ba [ … ]
Wed, 02.12.2020       Media and Games Invest plc

First Berlin Equity Research hat ein Research Update zu Media and Games Invest plc (ISIN: MT0000580101) veröffentlicht. Analyst Ellis Acklin bestätigt seine BUY-Empfehlung und erhöht das Kursziel von EUR 2,50 auf EUR 2,80. Zusammenfassung: Der Neunmonats-Bericht bestätigte die vorläufigen Q3-Ergebnisse und zeigte eine we [ … ]
Thu, 29.10.2020       Media and Games Invest plc

Media and Games Invest (MGI) is a fast and profitable growing company in the digital media and games sector. The company combines organic growth with value-added acquisitions. In the past six years, the MGI Group has successfully acquired more than 30 companies and assets. A few weeks ago, MGI announced the successful completion of an extensive  [ … ]
Thu, 01.10.2020       Media and Games Invest plc

First Berlin Equity Research hat ein Research Update zu Media and Games Invest plc (ISIN: MT0000580101) veröffentlicht. Analyst Ellis Acklin bestätigt seine BUY-Empfehlung und senkt das Kursziel von EUR 2,90 auf EUR 2,50. Zusammenfassung: Media and Games Invest hat eine Privatplatzierung für einen Bruttoerlös von €28,5 M [ … ]
Tue, 08.09.2020       Media and Games Invest plc

Significant expansion of the mobile gaming business segment through the planned acquisition of freenet digital GmbH; start of strategic media cooperation with the freenet group, thus strengthening the media division On 28 August 2020, Media and Games Invest plc (MGI) announced that it had reached agreement on the acquisition of freenet digital G [ … ]
Thu, 27.08.2020       Media and Games Invest plc

HY1 2020 Continued dynamic revenue growth; strong organic growth in the gaming segment; GBC estimates increased Media and Games Invest plc (MGI) has achieved a very dynamic development of revenues in the first six months of the current fiscal year. Compared to the same period of the previous year, consolidated revenues jumped by 98.0% to EUR 56. [ … ]

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