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Mon, 06.02.2023       Cenit AG

First acquisition of 2023 strengthens EIM segment; price target and rating unchanged   On 30 January 2023, CENIT AG announced the acquisition of 100% of the Munich-based mip Management Informations Partner GmbH (mip for short). The acquisition of mip, which will be retroactively consolidated into the CENIT Group as of 1 January 2023, will fur [ … ]
Mon, 06.02.2023       Cenit AG

First acquisition of 2023 strengthens EIM segment; price target and rating unchanged   On 30 January 2023, CENIT AG announced the acquisition of 100% of the Munich-based mip Management Informations Partner GmbH (mip for short). The acquisition of mip, which will be retroactively consolidated into the CENIT Group as of 1 January 2023, will fur [ … ]
Mon, 07.11.2022       Cenit AG

9M 2022: Growth course continued; Earnings increase despite special effects; GBC earnings estimates slightly adjusted; Target price: €18.70 (previously: €19.00); BUY rating   In the past third quarter of 2022, CENIT AG achieved a significant increase in sales revenues of 31.0 % to € 41.95 million (PY: € 32.04 million), thu [ … ]
Mon, 07.11.2022       Cenit AG

9M 2022: Growth course continued; Earnings increase despite special effects; GBC earnings estimates slightly adjusted; Target price: €18.70 (previously: €19.00); BUY rating   In the past third quarter of 2022, CENIT AG achieved a significant increase in sales revenues of 31.0 % to € 41.95 million (PY: € 32.04 million), thu [ … ]
Thu, 04.08.2022       CENIT AG

1HY 2022: Sales growth of 6.1% and EBIT increase of 19.6% achieved; due to later ISR consolidation we adjust our forecasts slightly; Target price: EUR19.00; Rating: BUY In the first six months of 2022, CENIT AG was able to increase sales revenues by 6.1% to EUR 73.91 million (previous year: EUR 69.63 million). It should be taken into account tha [ … ]
Thu, 04.08.2022       CENIT AG

1HY 2022: Sales growth of 6.1% and EBIT increase of 19.6% achieved; due to later ISR consolidation we adjust our forecasts slightly; Target price: EUR19.00; Rating: BUY In the first six months of 2022, CENIT AG was able to increase sales revenues by 6.1% to EUR 73.91 million (previous year: EUR 69.63 million). It should be taken into account tha [ … ]
Thu, 12.05.2022       CENIT AG

Q1 2022: Revenues slightly up, earnings slightly down year-on-year; inorganic effects not yet included; we confirm our forecasts; price target changes due to higher WACC; BUY rating confirmed The seasonal sales trend of CENIT AG is usually characterised by lower sales revenues in the first quarter, while the fourth quarter makes the largest cont [ … ]
Wed, 13.04.2022       CENIT AG

- Inorganic growth picks up speed with acquisition of ISR Information Products AG - Significant profitability improvement in sight - Target price raised to EUR 20.60 On 3 April 2022, CENIT AG announced its first company acquisition since 2017 with the majority acquisition (74.9%) of ISR Information Products AG. The Braunschweig-based company spe [ … ]
Wed, 16.02.2022       CENIT AG

As expected, the excellent development of the fourth quarter of 2021 contributed significantly to the successful business development of CENIT AG in the past business year 2021. With sales revenues in an expected range of EUR 153 - 155 million, an EBIT of EUR 6.0 - 6.3 million should have been achieved. Both the turnover and in particular the resu [ … ]
Thu, 11.11.2021       CENIT AG

9M 2021: Constant revenue development, noticeable improvement in earnings; forecasts and target price confirmed; rating: BUY From the perspective of the first nine months of 2021, CENIT AG achieved an overall constant sales development with a slight decline in sales of -0.4%. After the first quarter was still strongly affected by the pandemic co [ … ]

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Thursday, 04.07.2024, Calendar Week 27, 186th day of the year, 180 days remaining until EoY.