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Thu, 14.01.2021       All for One Group SE

CONVERSION/4 - flanked by planned near-shore acquisition - will drive growth after the pandemic With the planned acquisition of the Polish SNP Poland Sp. z o.o., All for One Group SE (ISIN DE0005110001, Prime Standard, A1OS GY) is strengthening its own capacities in order to be prepared for the upcoming migration wave towards SAP S/4HANA. The  [ … ]
Fri, 27.11.2020       All for One Group SE

Guidance exceeded, weaker start and post-pandemic growth acceleration to expect in 2020/21 The preliminary figures of All for One Group SE (ISIN DE0005110001, Prime Standard, A1OS GY) for the business year 2020/21 exceeded our expectations. Sales declined only about 1%, despite the challenging pandemic/lockdown environment. Reported EBIT of &eur [ … ]

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Sunday, 30.06.2024, Calendar Week 26, 182nd day of the year, 184 days remaining until EoY.