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All for One Group SE
ISIN: DE0005110001
WKN: 511000
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All for One Group SE · ISIN: DE0005110001 · Newswire (Analysts)
Country: Deutschland · Primary market: Germany · EQS NID: 13381
14 February 2022 12:16PM

BankM AG: All for One Group SE | Rating: Kaufen

Original-Research: All for One Group SE - von BankM AG

Einstufung von BankM AG zu All for One Group SE

Unternehmen: All for One Group SE
ISIN: DE0005110001

Anlass der Studie: Bericht Q1 2021/22; Kurzanalyse Empfehlung: Kaufen
seit: 14.02.2022
Kursziel: EUR 90,60
Kursziel auf Sicht von: 12 Monate
Letzte Ratingänderung: 24.5.2017; vormals Halten Analyst: Daniel Grossjohann

Strong organic growth and M&A effects

In Q1 2021/22 (calendar Q4), the All for One Group (ISIN DE0005110001, Prime Standard, A1OS GY) expanded its sales by 24.7%. In addition to three successfully completed acquisitions, the increase was also due to organic growth of 10%. All revenue types increased, and CONVERSION/4 revenues, which were reported for the first time, multiplied (to €2.1 million). The EBIT margin increased to 6.4% (previous year: 6.2%), also due to a very strong license business (€14.7 million; +66%). The company confirmed its previous outlook, citing continuing economic uncertainties. With CONVERSION/4 subscription revenues gaining momentum and a recurring revenue share of clearly more than 50% in the long term, the All for One Group share continues to be attractively valued in our view with an EV/sales of 0.77.

Our price target for the All for One Group share, equally based on DCF valuation and peer group analysis, is €90.60. We reiterate our “Buy” rating.

Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: http://www.more-ir.de/d/23381.pdf
Die Analyse oder weiterführende Informationen zu dieser können Sie hier downloaden http://www.bankm.de/webdyn/141_cs_Research%20Reports%20Disclaimer.html.

Kontakt für Rückfragen
BankM AG
Daniel Grossjohann
Mainzer Landstrasse 61, 60329 Frankfurt Tel. +49 69 71 91 838-42
Fax +49 69 71 91 838-50
Email: daniel.grossjohann@bankm.de

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