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Thu, 01.08.2024       Klöckner & Co SE

At 2.3 million tons, shipments in the first half of 2024 were considerably higher than in the same period of the previous year (+8.1%) Sales in HY1 2024 reached €3.5 billion and are slightly down compared to the same period of the previous year (–2.6%) due to lower prices Operating income (EBITDA) before material special effects in HY1 2024 was  [ … ]
Wed, 12.06.2024       Klöckner & Co SE

“Nexigen® – Green Steel” takes first place in the “Supply chain” category High-profile jury recognizes the establishment of transparency regarding the carbon footprint of products as added value for the industry as well as for other sectors A total of around 350 nominations in 28 categories Duisburg, Germany, June 12, 2024 – Yesterday, Klöckner & [ … ]
Tue, 07.05.2024       Klöckner & Co SE

Shipments of 1.1 million metric tons slightly up on prior-year quarter (+5%) and considerably higher than preceding quarter (+11%) Sales down to €1.7 billion compared to the same quarter of the previous year due to price movements (Q1 2023: €1.8 billion) Operating income (EBITDA) before material special effects of €42 million considerably higher  [ … ]
Wed, 13.03.2024       Klöckner & Co SE

Solid operating income (EBITDA) before material special effects of €190 million (2022: €355 million) Strong and significantly positive operating cash flow of €287 million (2022: €360 million) due to consistent net working capital management Price-driven year-on-year decline in sales to €7.0 billion (2022: €8.3 billion) Leading position in North  [ … ]
Thu, 07.03.2024       Klöckner & Co SE

Sale of country organizations in France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium to Hierros Añon S.A. Transaction strengthens focus on higher value-added business while reducing exposure to volatile and low-margin commodity distribution business Major milestone in portfolio optimization, with future growth focused on Germany, Austria, Swi [ … ]
Tue, 05.03.2024       Klöckner & Co SE

Ute Wolf will resign from the Supervisory Board at the end of the next Annual General Meeting The Supervisory Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting to elect Dagmar Steinert, who is also designated to become a member of the Audit Committee Uwe Röhrhoff will be the Chairman of the Audit Committee Duisburg, Germany, March 5, 2024 – Ms. Ut [ … ]
Tue, 27.02.2024       Klöckner & Co SE

Klöckner & Co becomes GEA’s first supplier of CO2-reduced stainless steel Delivery of first batches of CO2-reduced stainless steel to the GEA production site in Bönen (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) The carbon footprint of the stainless steel is around 90% lower than conventional material; the product corresponds to the “Pro” category in t [ … ]
Fri, 22.12.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Company has received an irrevocable offer by Hierros Añon S.A. regarding the acquisition of the country organizations in France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Belgium Strengthening focus on higher value-added business while reducing exposure to volatile and low-margin commodity distribution business Regional focus on North America and  [ … ]
Fri, 22.12.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Klöckner & Co intends to sell parts of its European commodity distribution business. In this regard, the company has received an irrevocable offer by the Spanish Hierros Añon S.A. today that comprises all relevant terms and conditions regarding an acquisition of the country organizations in France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Belgi [ … ]
Thu, 14.12.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

New headquarters to be located in Airport Garden at Düsseldorf Airport, at the latest from summer 2025 Move to new building will reduce carbon footprint by more than half New location provides state-of-the-art, future-oriented working environment meeting the Company’s long-term needs Duisburg, Germany, December 14, 2023 – Klöckner & Co will r [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.