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Thu, 05.05.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASE Biotest AG: Annual General Meeting approves dividend distribution Distribution of EUR 0.04 per preferred share Broad majority on all agenda items in accordance with the proposals of the management (Verwaltung) Dreieich 05 May 2022. At the third ordinary, virtual Annual General Meeting on 05 May 2022, the shareholders of Biotest AG  [ … ]
Thu, 05.05.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASEBiotest records sales of € 115 million in the first quarter of 2022 EBIT increase compared to the first quarter of 2021 EBIT includes Biotest Next Level expenses of € -20.3 million Biotest signs license agreement for its novel immunoglobulin (IgG Next Generation) Dreieich, 05 May, 2022. The Biotest Group recorded revenue of € 115.9 [ … ]
Mon, 02.05.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASE Biotest Supervisory Board appoints new Management Board member Peter Janssen will succeed Dr Georg Floß as Chief Operations Officer (COO) end of the year Dreieich, 2 Mai 2022. At its meeting on April 12th, the Supervisory Board of Biotest AG appointed Peter Janssen (55) as a further member of the company's Management Board with effe [ … ]
Mon, 25.04.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASE Grifols acquires majority of voting rights in Biotest Admission of all offer conditions Transfer of tendered shares completed Majority shareholding of Grifols in Biotest (96.2% of the ordinary voting shares of Biotest AG) Board of Management welcomes the takeover Dreieich, 25 April 2022. On 12 April 2022, Biotest AG notified tha [ … ]
Thu, 07.04.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASE Biotest submits marketing authorisation application for IgG Next Generation and signed first licensing agreement First submission for product from the new Biotest Next Level production facility Approval expected in 4th quarter Signature of first licensing agreement Dreieich, 7 April 2022. Biotest AG announced today that the market [ … ]
Thu, 24.03.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASE Biotest exceeds sales guidance in fiscal year 2021 Revenue increase of 6.5% EBIT in core business profitable at €29.4 million Biotest invites to the virtual Annual General Meeting on May 5, 2021 Dreieich, March 24, 2022. In fiscal year 2021, the Biotest Group generated revenues of € 515.6 million, compared to € 484.2 million in th [ … ]
Thu, 10.03.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASE Biotest AG opens ninth plasma collection centre in Czech Republic - 29 plasma collection centres in Europe to ensure long-term plasma supply Dreieich, 10 March 2022. Biotest has received the operating license for its ninth plasma collection centre in Czech Republic from the country's national public health authority SUKL. The cent [ … ]
Wed, 16.02.2022       Biotest AG

Ad-hoc RELEASE Announcement according to Article 17 European Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)Biotest exceeds Revenue guidance 2021Dreieich, 16 February 2022. According to preliminary and not yet audited figures, Biotest AG increased its revenues by more than 6.5 % to € 515.6 million in fiscal year 2021, compared to € 484.2 million in the previous year [ … ]
Tue, 18.01.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASE Biotest combats climate change through CO2-neutral production Climate neutrality achieved at the Dreieich site Electricity purchased from renewable sources Continuous reduction of energy consumption through targeted investments Dreieich, 18 January 2022. Biotest AG is actively involved in the fight against climate change at the Dr [ … ]
Wed, 12.01.2022       Biotest AG

PRESS RELEASE Biotest AG opens eighth plasma collection centre in Czech Republic 28 plasma collection centres in Europe to ensure long-term plasma supply Dreieich, 12 January 2022. Biotest has received the operating license for its eighth plasma collection centre in Czech Republic from the country's national public health authority SUKL. The cent [ … ]

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