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Mon, 02.09.2024       DEFAMA Deutsche Fachmarkt AG

DEFAMA appoints Dr. Angelus Bernreuther as new Head of Business Development   Experienced retail property expert to support further growth Long-standing roles at Kaufland International and BBE Retail Consulting Expansion of the network in the real estate industry Deutsche Fachmarkt AG (DEFAMA) aims to strengthen growth and market presence in the [ … ]
Mon, 02.09.2024       Bitcoin Group SE

Bitcoin Group SE holds successful Annual General Meeting 2024 - Dividend of EUR 0.10 per share approved again Herford, 2 September 2024 - Bitcoin Group SE (ISIN DE000A1TNV91) successfully held its Annual General Meeting 2024 last Friday. The shareholders approved all proposed resolutions on the agenda with large majorities. A total of 36,29% of th [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       Tron DAO

  Geneva, Switzerland, August 30, 2024 - WebX 2024, a global Web3 conference organized by CoinPost, welcomed TRON DAO as a Title Sponsor and welcomed its visionary founder, Justin Sun, as a keynote speaker. Additionally, TRON DAO played a key role as a Platinum Sponsor at OKJ Night and a sponsor at the WebX Official Afterparty. WebX 2024 is a pr [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       LIBERO football finance AG

Frankfurt am Main, August 30, 2024 – LIBERO football finance AG ("LIBERO") announces that the publication of the financial statements for the fiscal year 2023 will be further delayed. Following the most recent postponement announced on July 31, 2024, which extended the deadline to the end of August 2024, the Management Board now anticipates that th [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       4finance S.A.

  4finance Holding S.A. reports results for the six months ending 30 June 2024 Continued profitable growth with net profit of €22.9 million and Adjusted EBITDA of €75.1 million Strong balance sheet and cash position 30 August 2024. 4finance Holding S.A. (the ‘Group’ or ‘4finance’), one of Europe’s largest digital consumer lending groups, tod [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       CPI PROPERTY GROUP

CPI Property Group (société anonyme) 40, rue de la Vallée L-2661 Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 102 254                                                                                                                            Press Release – Corporate News Luxembourg, 30 August 2024CPI Property Group – Completion of Independent review of short se [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       SLR Group GmbH

SLR Group publishes Q4 23/24 results and preliminary figures for the full year 23/24 Net Sales of EUR 57.1 million in Q4 23/24 in line with expectations Adjusted EBITDA margin of 10.7% thanks to measures introduced to improve earnings Focus on expanding relationships with blue chip customers and measures to reduce costs and increase efficiency  [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       DWK Deutsche Wasserkraft AG

DWK Deutsche Wasserkraft AG: Change of corporate name completed / DWK's new alignment continues to gain momentum Upcoming cash capital increase as first financing component fully guaranteed by major shareholders Management currently intensively evaluating prospective investment opportunties and holds a significant stake in DWK Deutsche Wasserkraf [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       EDAG Engineering Group AG

Press release EDAG Engineering Group AG: EDAG Group in the first half year 2024 solid in a challenging market environment Revenue growth of 1.8% to EUR 429.2 Mio. in first half year EBIT margin at 5.1% almost at previous year’s level Significant increase in free cash flow to EUR 37.6 million Arbon, 30. August 2024 EDAG, one of the leading ind [ … ]
Fri, 30.08.2024       STRABAG SE

STRABAG SE: order backlog exceeds € 25 billion for first time Slight output growth of 1% Order backlog up to € 25.2 billion (+7% vs. 31 December 2023) EBIT margin stable at 1.1% at the half-year mark, net income after minorities up 23% to € 91.5 million Outlook for 2024 confirmed: output of around € 19.4 billion, EBIT margin ≥ 4% Semi-Annual Re [ … ]

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Sunday, 08.09.2024, Calendar Week 36, 252nd day of the year, 114 days remaining until EoY.