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Tue, 31.08.2021       Industrial Metallurgical Holding

IMH announces IFRS consolidated financial results for 1H 2021   31 August 2021   Industrial Metallurgical Holding (IMH), one of the largest global suppliers of merchant pig iron and Russia's biggest merchant coke exporter, announces IFRS financial results for 1H 2021.   IMH key financial indicators:   RUB mln   1H 2021 1H 2020 C [ … ]
Thu, 01.04.2021       Industrial Metallurgical Holding

IMH announces IFRS consolidated financial results for 2020   1 April 2021   Industrial Metallurgical Holding (IMH), one of the largest global suppliers of merchant pig iron and Russia's biggest merchant coke exporter, announces IFRS financial results for 2020.   IMH key financial indicators:   RUB mln 2020 2019  [ … ]
Mon, 24.08.2020       Industrial Metallurgical Holding

PRESS RELEASE   IMH announces IFRS consolidated financial results for 1H 2020   24 August 2020   Industrial Metallurgical Holding (IMH), one of the largest global suppliers of merchant pig iron and Russia's biggest merchant coke exporter, announces IFRS financial results for 1H 2020.   IMH key financial indicators:   RUB mln  [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.