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Thu, 15.08.2024       Hardman & Co Research

Analyst interview | Financials Q&A on H&T Group (HAT) | Putting H&T Group’s pawnbroking business into a global perspective   H&T Group Plc (LON:HAT) is the topic of conversation when Hardman & Co analyst Mark Thomas joins DirectorsTalk Interviews.   In this latest interview, Mark Thomas discusses the global pawnbroking indu [ … ]
Wed, 21.02.2024       Hardman & Co Research

Analyst interview | Financials   Q&A on H&T Group (HAT) | Long-term pawnbroking growth, short-term cost and retail pressure   H&T Group plc (LON:HAT) is the topic of conversation when Hardman & Co Analyst Mark Thomas joins DirectorsTalk Interviews.   Mark talks through his report entitled 'Growing pawnbroking core will drive ot [ … ]
Tue, 23.01.2024       Hardman & Co Research

Hardman & Co Research on H&T Group (HAT): Growing pawnbroking core will drive other services   In our 15 March 2023 initiation, Pawnbroking royalty, with strong, profitable growth, and later notes, we have highlighted the strong market for pawnbroking and why H&T, as the market leader, is uniquely placed to take advantage of these op [ … ]

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Monday, 16.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 260th day of the year, 106 days remaining until EoY.