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Thu, 22.06.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Both companies to increase the availability of high-grade CO2-reduced quality steel 25 tonnes of CO2-reduced quality steel delivered to Kloeckner Metals Netherlands Cooperation helps customers establish sustainable value chains and achieve climate targets Duisburg/Georgsmarienhütte, Germany, June 22, 2023 – Klöckner & Co and Georgsmarienhütte [ … ]
Thu, 22.06.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Both companies to increase the availability of high-grade CO2-reduced quality steel 25 tonnes of CO2-reduced quality steel delivered to Kloeckner Metals Netherlands Cooperation helps customers establish sustainable value chains and achieve climate targets Duisburg/Georgsmarienhütte, Germany, June 22, 2023 – Klöckner & Co and Georgsmarienhütte [ … ]
Tue, 23.05.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

The long-standing partners aim to significantly raise the volume of green steel available on the markets As from the end of 2025, the Salzgitter Group will be delivering CO2-reduced steel to Klöckner & Co Duisburg and Salzgitter, May 23, 2023 – Klöckner & Co and the Salzgitter Group have entered into a partnership geared to stepping up the [ … ]
Tue, 23.05.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

The long-standing partners aim to significantly raise the volume of green steel available on the markets As from the end of 2025, the Salzgitter Group will be delivering CO2-reduced steel to Klöckner & Co Duisburg and Salzgitter, May 23, 2023 – Klöckner & Co and the Salzgitter Group have entered into a partnership geared to stepping up the [ … ]
Wed, 03.05.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Operating income (EBITDA) of €69 million before material special effects considerably higher in first quarter of 2023 than in preceding quarter (Q4 2022: €– 22 million) Significant positive cash flow from operating activities of €64 million (Q1 2022: €– 261 million) Progress in strategy implementation with introduction of Nexigen® PCF Algorithm a [ … ]
Wed, 03.05.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Operating income (EBITDA) of €69 million before material special effects considerably higher in first quarter of 2023 than in preceding quarter (Q4 2022: €– 22 million) Significant positive cash flow from operating activities of €64 million (Q1 2022: €– 261 million) Progress in strategy implementation with introduction of Nexigen® PCF Algorithm a [ … ]
Fri, 31.03.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Duisburg, Germany, March 31, 2023 – In their joint response statement published today, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Klöckner & Co SE recommend shareholders of the company not to accept the voluntary public takeover offer by SWOCTEM GmbH. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board have independently carefully and thoroug [ … ]
Fri, 31.03.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Duisburg, Germany, March 31, 2023 – In their joint response statement published today, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Klöckner & Co SE recommend shareholders of the company not to accept the voluntary public takeover offer by SWOCTEM GmbH. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board have independently carefully and thoroug [ … ]
Mon, 13.03.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Duisburg, Germany, March 13, 2023 – The Management Board of Klöckner & Co SE has noted the announcement by SWOCTEM GmbH of its intention to make a voluntary public takeover offer for the whole issued share capital of Klöckner & Co SE at a price of €9.75 in cash per share. The company will comment separately on the offer, particularly with r [ … ]
Mon, 13.03.2023       Klöckner & Co SE

Duisburg, Germany, March 13, 2023 – The Management Board of Klöckner & Co SE has noted the announcement by SWOCTEM GmbH of its intention to make a voluntary public takeover offer for the whole issued share capital of Klöckner & Co SE at a price of €9.75 in cash per share. The company will comment separately on the offer, particularly with r [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.