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Thu, 05.08.2021       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

- Group revenues grow significantly by 34 % in the second quarter, thereof 10% organic growth - Adjusted EBITDA grows by 14 %, operating margin of 21 % - Numerous solutions across Europe support doctors and medical staff in vaccination - Strong performance of hospital business with 15 % organic growth - Approval of next generation connector up [ … ]
Thu, 22.07.2021       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

Koblenz. CompuGroup Medical (CGM) has today received approval from gematik for KoCoBox MED+ as a connector for the electronic health record (so-called ePA - elektronische Patientenakte). Following installation of the ePA upgrade, KoCoBox MED+ supports the electronic health record application and the digital convenience signature for all users who a [ … ]
Tue, 01.06.2021       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

Acquisition of VISUS Health IT GmbH, a leader in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) CompuGroup Medical (CGM) complementing portfolio and building an attractive platform for future growth Supplementing CGM's portfolio with Vendor Neutral Archive Both CGM and VISUS customers will benefit from the transaction Koblenz. CompuGroup Me [ … ]
Wed, 19.05.2021       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

Koblenz. CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA - one of the leading e-health companies in the world - today successfully held its virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM). The resolutions on the dividend payment, the purchase and use of treasury shares, the remuneration system and the discharge of the executive and supervisory boards were passed with co [ … ]
Thu, 06.05.2021       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

Strong growth of group revenues with +25 %, organic growth accelerates to +5 % Adjusted EBITDA increased by 7 % with simultaneous launch of investment program CGM supports customers in their courageous fight against COVID-19 with numerous initiatives Hospital Information Systems (HIS) business in excellent shape Successful continued rollout of  [ … ]
Thu, 15.04.2021       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

Koblenz. CompuGroup Medical (CGM), one of the world's leading providers of e-health solutions, announced today that the medical center Universitätsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), one of Europe's leading university clinics, selected the CGM CLINICAL hospital information system as the core enterprise-wide electronic health record (EHR) system. For mo [ … ]
Mon, 21.12.2020       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

  Transaction completed after regulatory approvals CompuGroup Medical is now one of the leading providers of doctor information systems in the US market Product portfolios complement one another CGM's customer base and sales network continue to grow Investments planned in accelerated growth Koblenz. CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA (CGM)  [ … ]
Mon, 07.12.2020       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

CompuGroup Medical is planning for an approximately 20 % increase in revenue for 2021 Moderate adjusted EBITDA development expected for 2021 Organic growth is being accelerated Significant increase in investment in new technologies and distribution capabilities to benefit from the rapidly growing trend towards digitization in the healthcare sect [ … ]
Mon, 23.11.2020       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

CompuGroup Medical (CGM) is growing its US business by acquiring eMDs, Inc. (eMDs), a leading provider of healthcare IT with a focus on doctors' practices in the US, reaching an attractive size in the biggest healthcare market worldwide CGM is building an attractive platform for future growth through complementary product portfolios and the abilit [ … ]
Thu, 05.11.2020       CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

Company successfully continues growth and investment course Significant increase in revenues and profits compared to the same quarter of the previous year, boosted by completion and rollout of new functions for the Telematics Infrastructure and by HIS acquisition Strong revenue growth across all segments Hospital segment is growing significantly [ … ]

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