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Tue, 28.06.2022       tick Trading Software AG

tick Trading Software AG presented the key figures of the half-year results for the first half of the 2021/2022 financial year (01.10.2021 - 31.03.2022) in the ad hoc announcement dated 24 May 2022. Detailed information on the prepared half-year financial statements can be found in the half-year annual report at [ … ]
Tue, 28.06.2022       tick Trading Software AG

tick Trading Software AG presented the key figures of the half-year results for the first half of the 2021/2022 financial year (01.10.2021 - 31.03.2022) in the ad hoc announcement dated 24 May 2022. Detailed information on the prepared half-year financial statements can be found in the half-year annual report at [ … ]
Tue, 26.04.2022       tick Trading Software AG

Corporate News tick Trading Software AG Düsseldorf, 26.04.2022   The Annual General Meeting of tick Trading Software AG, Düsseldorf (ISIN DE000A0LA304, symbol: TBX) ("Company"), resolved on April 7, 2022, to increase the share capital of the Company from EUR 1,006,500.00 to EUR 2,013,000.00 by issuing 1,006,500 new no-par value bearer shares (so [ … ]
Thu, 07.04.2022       tick Trading Software AG

tick Trading Software AG (ISIN: DE000A0LA304, Symbol: TBX) successfully held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) as a virtual event on 07 April 2022 in Düsseldorf. Almost 70 participants followed the event in a live broadcast. Attendance at this AGM was 50.79% (previous year 47.61%) of the voting capital of EUR 1,006,500. All resolutions proposed by  [ … ]
Thu, 24.02.2022       tick Trading Software AG

Düsseldorf, Germany, 24 02.2022- tick Trading Software AG (ISIN: DE000A0LA304, Symbol: TBX) today publishes its report on the business year 2020/2021 and hereby invites all shareholders to the Annual General Meeting 2022. The Annual General Meeting will take place on 07 April 2022 at 11 a.m. at the business premises of tick Trading Software AG and [ … ]
Wed, 02.02.2022       tick Trading Software AG

Düsseldorf, 02.02.2022 - tick-Trading Software AG (tick-TS AG) was founded twenty years ago as tick-IT GmbH by the visionary software developer Oliver Wagner, the Management Board of sino AG and other investors from the financial sector. The goal was to develop a standard-setting trading platform for all asset classes. In 2003, TradeBase MX (TBMX) [ … ]
Mon, 31.01.2022       tick Trading Software AG

Gerd Goetz leaves the company's Executive Board at his own request Carsten Schölzki becomes sole Executive Board member with strong management team   As tick Trading Software AG (ISIN: DE000A0LA304, Symbol: TBX) already announced on 21 June 2021, the contract of Executive Board member Gerd Goetz expired on 31 January 2022 and was not extended at [ … ]
Tue, 14.12.2021       tick Trading Software AG

Supervisory Board confirms record result Dividend proposal at €4.35 per share Issue of bonus shares planned Positive development expected for 2021/2022 Annual General Meeting 2022 planned for April 2022   Annual financial statements for the 2020/2021 financial year At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of tick Trading Software AG (tick-T [ … ]

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