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Mon, 06.09.2021       SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA Solar Technology AG Corporate News Managing Board of SMA Solar Technology AG adjusts forecast for the current fiscal year Niestetal, September 6, 2021 - The Managing Board of SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA/FWB: S92) is adjusting its sales and earnings forecast for the current fiscal year. For 2021, the SMA Managing Board expects sales between € [ … ]
Thu, 12.08.2021       SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA Solar Technology AG Press Release SMA Solar Technology AG significantly improves earnings in the first half of 2021 Overview of H1 2021: - 6.8 GW inverter output sold (H1 2020: 7.1 GW) - Sales of €488 million (H1 2020: €514 million) - Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) increased to €38 million(H1 2020:  [ … ]
Tue, 01.06.2021       SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA Solar Technology AG - Corporate News Annual General Meeting of SMA Solar Technology AG grants full discharge to the Managing Board and Supervisory Board with a clear majority and resolves to pay dividendNiestetal, June 1, 2021 - At today's 2021 Annual General Meeting that was held online due to the coronavirus crisis, the shareholders of SMA S [ … ]
Wed, 12.05.2021       SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA Solar Technology AG corporate news SMA Solar Technology AG significantly increases profitability in the first quarter of 2021 Overview of Q1 2021: - 3.4 GW inverter output sold (Q1 2020: 4.4 GW) - Sales of €240 million (Q1 2020: €288 million) - Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) increased to €20 millio [ … ]
Thu, 12.11.2020       SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA Solar Technology AG corporate news SMA Solar Technology AG generates 23% sales growth and positive earnings from January to September 2020 despite coronavirus crisis Overview of Q1-Q3 2020: - Inverters with a total output of 10.7 GW sold (Q1-Q3 2019: 7.5 GW) - Sales increased to €774 million (Q1-Q3 2019: €631 million) and EBITDA to €41 mill [ … ]
Thu, 13.08.2020       SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA Solar Technology AG Corporate News SMA Solar Technology AG generates significant growth in sales and earnings in first half of 2020 despite coronavirus crisis Overview of H1 2020: - 7.1 GW inverter output sold (H1 2019: 4.0 GW) - Sales increased to €514 million (H1 2019: €363 million) and EBITDA to €24 million (H1 2019: €9 million) - Finan [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.