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Ad-hoc news is mandatory information from listed companies that must be made available to investors. Depending on the occasion and content of the news, it can have an impact on the share price. The newsfeed covers a wide range of topics relevant to investor relations and is recommended as an important source of information before making an investment decision.
Wed, 19.08.2020       AutoBank AG

Österreichs Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde (FMA) stellt dem Vorstand der "Autobank AG" per Bescheid die Wirtschaftsprüferin Dkfm. Dorotea-E. Rebmann als vorläufige Verwalterin gemäß BaSAG zur Seite. Die österreichische Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde (FMA) hat heute durch per Boten zugestellten Bescheid (in nicht digitaler Form) mit sofortiger Wirkung de [ … ]
Wed, 19.08.2020       GN Store Nord A/S

GN was affected in two ways by COVID-19 during Q2 2020: (i) ripple effects of production shutdown in Q1 2020, and (ii) various demand implications as consumers stayed at home, and as enterprises continued to invest in employees working from home Leverage of 2.7 times net interest-bearing debt to EBITDA (2.3 times on June 30, 2019) Operating in bo [ … ]
Wed, 19.08.2020       Ina Invest Holding AG

Press release Ina Invest Half-Year Report: Successful IPO lays foundation for Switzerland's most sustainable real estate portfolio Successful IPO with market capitalisation of CHF 215 million on 12 June 2020. Sustainable real estate portfolio with great upside value potential performs positively as planned. Successful pre-marketing of Tender high [ … ]
Wed, 19.08.2020       Orascom Development Holding AG

ODH ("Orascom Development Holding") (SIX ODHN.SW) has released its consolidated financial results for 1H 2020. Orascom Development Holding reports 1H 2020 results with CHF 164.1 million of revenues and Adj. EBITDA of CHF 27.2 million. Highlights of 1H 2020 - Total revenues reached CHF 164.1 million in 1H 2020. - Adj. EBITDA reached CHF 27.2 mil [ … ]
Wed, 19.08.2020       Sensirion Holding AG

Media Release 19 August 2020, Sensirion Holding AG, 8712 Stäfa, Switzerland New product ramp-ups and COVID-19-related ventilator demand led to strong first half-year 2020 Sensirion looks back on a special first half of 2020 which was marked by three major factors: first, ramp-ups of various new projects of the recently launched product families  [ … ]
Wed, 19.08.2020       Achiko AG

Achiko Announces Provisional Patent Filing for Novel Low-Cost Saliva Covid-19 Test Kit Zurich, 19 August 2020 - A provisional patent for the novel DNA aptamer and saliva Covid-19 test kit has been lodged - Codenamed "Gumnuts", the test is extremely low cost, convenient and easy to use, significantly cheaper than current RNA and antigen-based tes [ … ]
Wed, 19.08.2020       Dexus Finance Pty Limited

Dexus (ASX: DXS) ASX release 19 August 2020 2020 Annual results - Positioning for the recovery Dexus today announced that it had achieved Adjusted Funds From Operations (AFFO)[1] and a distribution of 50.3 cents per security for FY20, while advising its intention to deliver a distribution in line with free cash flow in FY21. Highlights Net p [ … ]
Tue, 18.08.2020       RWE Aktiengesellschaft

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION (IN WHOLE OR IN PART) IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA OR JAPAN OR OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE SUCH A PUBLICATION COULD BE UNLAWFUL RWE Aktiengesellschaft („RWE") has decided to increase its share capital through partial utilization of its authorized capital under the exclusion of sh [ … ]
Tue, 18.08.2020       DEUTZ AG

Today, DEUTZ has reached agreement on a key issues paper, representing an important milestone in the implementation of its global 'Transform for Growth' efficiency program. The aim of the measures agreed in this context is to further strengthen the Company's competitiveness at a global level whilst protecting the viability of Germany as a company b [ … ]
Tue, 18.08.2020       RWE Aktiengesellschaft

NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION (IN WHOLE OR IN PART) IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA OR JAPAN OR OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE SUCH A PUBLICATION COULD BE UNLAWFUL Today, the management board of RWE Aktiengesellschaft („RWE"), with the approval of the supervisory board, resolved on a capital increase against cash c [ … ]

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Saturday, 21.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 265th day of the year, 101 days remaining until EoY.