Key Market Indicator:
Ad-hoc news is mandatory information from listed companies that must be made available to investors. Depending on the occasion and content of the news, it can have an impact on the share price. The newsfeed covers a wide range of topics relevant to investor relations and is recommended as an important source of information before making an investment decision.
Thu, 27.08.2020       Deutsche Börse AG

Deutsche Börse AG: Additional judgment creditors of Iran filed a complaint in the U.S. naming also Deutsche Börse AG subsidiary Clearstream Banking S.A. as defendant Clearstream Banking S.A., Luxembourg ("Clearstream"), a 100 per cent subsidiary of Deutsche Börse AG, learned today that on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, additional judgment creditors of [ … ]
Thu, 27.08.2020       Fürstenberg Capital II GmbH

Ad-hoc-Announcement Pursuant to Art. 17 MAR  Earnings prospect / potential loss of interest, and potential redemption below par of the Capital Notes (ISIN DE000A0EUBN9, Common Code 021983110, Dutch Security Code (Fonds Code) 15379, listed on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange - Official Segment) (Capital Notes) issued by Fürstenberg Capital II [ … ]
Thu, 27.08.2020       Fürstenberg Capital Erste GmbH

Ad-hoc-Announcement Pursuant to Art. 17 MAR  Earnings prospect / potential loss of interest, and potential redemption below par of the Capital Notes (ISIN XS0216072230, Common Code 021607223, Dutch Security Code (Fonds Code) 45987, listed on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange - Official Segment) (Capital Notes) issued by Fürstenberg Capital Er [ … ]
Thu, 27.08.2020       VAPIANO SE

Ad-hoc Vapiano SE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Creditors' assembly decides to close down the remaining enterprise of Vapiano SE with the aim of liquidating and dissolving Vapiano SE Cologne, August 27, 2020: At today's creditors' assembly, the creditors of Vapiano SE (ISIN: DE000A0WMNK9, stock exchange code: VAO, hereinafter "the Compa [ … ]
Thu, 27.08.2020       ASMALLWORLD AG

Press release ASMALLWORLD AG (SWX:ASWN) continues to grow profitably despite difficult market environment Zurich, 27.08.2020 - Today, ASMALLWORLD AG announced its H1 2020 results. The company grew its revenue and maintained profitability despite a difficult market environment and ongoing investments in the ASMALLWORLD Collection, its online hote [ … ]
Wed, 26.08.2020       Instone Real Estate Group AG

Inside information as per Section 17 MAR NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION (IN WHOLE OR IN PART) IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA OR JAPAN OR OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE SUCH A PUBLICATION COULD BE UNLAWFULInstone Real Estate resolves capital increase with subscription rights against cash contribution to fund additio [ … ]
Wed, 26.08.2020       IMMOFINANZ AG

IMMOFINANZ: Recommendation by the Executive and Supervisory Boards to the AGM to waive the dividend for 2019 After careful consideration of all circumstances known at the present time and the possible consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of IMMOFINANZ AG today approved a recommendation to the annual gener [ … ]
Wed, 26.08.2020       KPS AG

KPS AG: Adjustment of the dividend for the financial year 2018/2019 to EUR 0,17 The Management Board and the Supervisory Board of KPS AG today resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting on 25 September 2020 to distribute a dividend of EUR 0,17 per share for the financial year 2018/2019. Thus, the Company's management is adjusting the propos [ … ]
Wed, 26.08.2020       11880 Solutions AG

Essen, 26 August 2020 - The Management Board of 11880 Solutions AG (WKN 511880) today adopted a resolution, approved by the Supervisory Board, to implement a capital increase from authorised capital in return for cash and non-cash contributions by issuing up to 3,893,000 new shares carrying pre-emption rights. The subscription ratio is 27:5. The m [ … ]
Wed, 26.08.2020       Mutares SE & Co. KGaA

Disclosure of an inside information acc. to Article 17 MAR of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 NOT FOR PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN OR WITHIN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, JAPAN OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN WHICH SUCH PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL Mutares successfully placed EUR 20 million tap issue of its existing  [ … ]

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Saturday, 21.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 265th day of the year, 101 days remaining until EoY.