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Ad-hoc news is mandatory information from listed companies that must be made available to investors. Depending on the occasion and content of the news, it can have an impact on the share price. The newsfeed covers a wide range of topics relevant to investor relations and is recommended as an important source of information before making an investment decision.
Thu, 10.09.2020       VOLKSWAGEN AG

TRATON submits increased proposal to acquire all shares in Navistar International Corporation Wolfsburg, 10 September 2020 - Today, TRATON SE ("TRATON") has informed the Board of Directors of the US American truck manufacturer Navistar International Corporation ("Navistar"), in which TRATON already holds a share of 16.8%, of an increase of its off [ … ]
Thu, 10.09.2020       TRATON SE

TRATON submits increased proposal to acquire all shares in Navistar International Corporation  Munich, 10 September 2020 - TRATON SE ("TRATON") has today informed the Board of Directors of the US-American truck manufacturer Navistar International Corporation ("Navistar"), in which TRATON already holds a stake of 16.8 %, of an increase of its offer  [ … ]
Thu, 10.09.2020       STS Group AG

Hallbergmoos/Munich, 10 September 2020. The Management Board of STS Group AG (ISIN: DE000A1TNU68), listed in the General Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, today resolved with the consent of the Supervisory Board to increase the Company's share capital by EUR 500,000 from EUR 6,000,000 to EUR 6,500,000 by issuing 500,000 new shares against c [ … ]
Thu, 10.09.2020       Dermapharm Holding SE

Disclosure of Insider Information pursuant to Section 17 (1) 1 of the Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 on Market Abuse, as amended (Market Abuse Regulation - MAR)   Dermapharm Holding SE signs cooperation and delivery agreement with BioNTech SE Grünwald, September 10, 2020 - Dermapharm Holding SE (WKN: A2GS5D, ISIN: DE000A2GS5D8) and BioNTech SE, Ma [ … ]
Wed, 09.09.2020       Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG

AD HOC ANNOUNCEMENT ACC. TO ART. 17 MAR   Francotyp-Postalia postpones Annual General Meeting to first half of November Berlin, September 9, 2020 - The Management Board of Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG (FP), an expert in secure mail business and secure digital communication processes, today decided, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to  [ … ]
Wed, 09.09.2020       TUI AG

The holders of the Senior Notes due October 2021 have agreed to suspend potential future limitation of TUI's financial indebtedness Hanover, 9 September 2020. Pursuant to the terms of the revolving credit facility between TUI, KfW and a consortium of banks, the additional KfW-tranche granted as part of the EUR 1.2bn support package is subject to a [ … ]
Wed, 09.09.2020       Schaeffler AG

Schaeffler AG adopts additional structural measures - Plans include net workforce reduction by 4,400 in Germany and Europe by the end of 2022, focusing mainly on twelve locations in Germany and two elsewhere in Europe - Potential annual savings of 250-300 million euros to be 90 percent realized by 2023, transformation costs of about 700 million e [ … ]
Wed, 09.09.2020       Dexus Finance Pty Limited

Dexus (ASX: DXS) ASX release 9 September 2020 Appendix 3Y - Notice of Change of Director's Interest Dexus provides the Appendix 3Y - Notice of Change of Director's Interest for Nicola Roxon and Tonianne Dwyer. The notices are available at Authorised by Brett Camero [ … ]
Wed, 09.09.2020       Corestate Capital Holding S.A.

Corestate publishes new financial outlook for the financial year 2020 - Aggregated revenues between € 185m and € 210m - EBITDA between € 55m and € 80m - Adjusted net profit between € 25m and € 50m Luxembourg, 9 September 2020 - Corestate Capital Holding S.A. withdrew its financial outlook for 2020 on 22 April 2020 in light of the impact of the  [ … ]
Wed, 09.09.2020       Lalique Group SA

MEDIA RELEASE Lalique Group announces 2020 half-year resultsZurich, 9 September 2020 - Lalique Group SA (SIX: LLQ), which is active in the creation, development, marketing and worldwide distribution of luxury goods, generated operating revenue of EUR 49.1 million in the first half of 2020. This 30% decrease compared to the prior year is attributab [ … ]

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Saturday, 21.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 265th day of the year, 101 days remaining until EoY.