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Thu, 07.04.2022       Klöckner & Co SE

The renewed supply shortage has led to a significant increase in steel prices in Klöckner & Co's core markets, Europe and the USA. Against this backdrop, supported by a determined margin-over-volume strategy and disciplined net working capital management, the company achieved a considerably stronger operating income (EBITDA) before material spe [ … ]
Thu, 17.02.2022       Klöckner & Co SE

Klöckner & Co SE continued its positive business development in the fourth quarter 2021, achieving its best full-year operating income (EBITDA) since its IPO in 2006. According to preliminary figures, EBITDA before material special effects for the 2021 financial year amounts to €848 million. Furthermore, the company expects an EBITDA before mat [ … ]
Mon, 27.09.2021       Klöckner & Co SE

During the third quarter, the positive dynamics of steel prices, particularly in the US, continued. Due to this development and the continued extremely strict net working capital management in this context, Klöckner & Co SE now expects an operating income (EBITDA) before material special effects of €260-280 million for the third quarter, contra [ … ]
Thu, 29.07.2021       Klöckner & Co SE

According to preliminary figures, Klöckner & Co SE generated a record operating income (EBITDA) before material special effects of €401 million in the first half of the financial year 2021. Due to the continued positive dynamics of steel prices in Europe and the US at the beginning of the third quarter combined with extremely strict net working [ … ]
Tue, 08.06.2021       Klöckner & Co SE

Due to the further considerable increase in steel prices in Europe and the US, Klöckner & Co SE anticipates that the operating income (EBITDA) in the second quarter of 2021 will be significantly stronger than expected. Against this background, the Company now expects an EBITDA before material special effects of €260-290 million, contrary to the [ … ]
Tue, 15.12.2020       Klöckner & Co SE

In the course of the fourth quarter, the recovery in steel demand continued more strongly than previously expected. At the same time, the improved price level has already had a positive impact on the operating income (EBITDA) before material special effects of Klöckner & Co SE. Klöckner & Co was able to benefit disproportionately from these [ … ]
Tue, 08.12.2020       Klöckner & Co SE

In response to market rumours that Apollo and Swoctem GmbH are working on an indication of interest in the acquisition of up to 100% of the shares of the company, the company states as follows: Apollo/Swoctem have submitted a non-binding indication of interest to the company, but have retracted it vis-à-vis the company today, confirming that they w [ … ]
Thu, 24.09.2020       Klöckner & Co SE

In the course of the third quarter the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the operating business of Klöckner & Co was further mitigated. In particular, the consistent implementation of the "Surtsey" transformation project with the associated positive digitalization and restructuring effects contributed to this. In addition, the gradual [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.