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Tue, 25.10.2022       Instone Real Estate Group SE

Increase in the proportion of treasury shares to up to 7.87 percent of the share capital through an additional share buyback programme (Share Buyback Programme 2022/II)  Essen, October, 25 2022 – With the approval of the Supervisory Board, the Management Board of Instone Real Estate Group SE (Instone) today resolved the implementation of an addit [ … ]
Tue, 25.10.2022       Instone Real Estate Group SE

Increase in the proportion of treasury shares to up to 7.87 percent of the share capital through an additional share buyback programme (Share Buyback Programme 2022/II)  Essen, October, 25 2022 – With the approval of the Supervisory Board, the Management Board of Instone Real Estate Group SE (Instone) today resolved the implementation of an addit [ … ]
Wed, 10.08.2022       Instone Real Estate Group SE

New forecast for the financial year 2022 Essen, 10 August 2022 - In its meeting today, the Management Board of Instone Real Estate Group SE ("Instone") has derived a new forecast for the current financial year 2022 based on business development and revised planning. Hence, Management assumes revenues (adjusted) of EUR 600 to 675 million, a gross  [ … ]
Wed, 10.08.2022       Instone Real Estate Group SE

New forecast for the financial year 2022 Essen, 10 August 2022 - In its meeting today, the Management Board of Instone Real Estate Group SE ("Instone") has derived a new forecast for the current financial year 2022 based on business development and revised planning. Hence, Management assumes revenues (adjusted) of EUR 600 to 675 million, a gross  [ … ]
Wed, 11.05.2022       Instone Real Estate Group SE

Financial Forecast for 2022 suspended due to significantly increased short-term uncertainty and limited visibility; Business development as expected in Q1 – 2022 Essen, 11 May 2022 – The Management Board of Instone Real Estate Group SE ("Instone") is suspending its previous forecast for the financial year 2022 in light of the significantly incr [ … ]
Thu, 10.02.2022       Instone Real Estate Group SE

Instone Real Estate Group SE announces share buyback programme of up to EUR 50 million (maximum of 5% of the share capital) Essen, 10 February 2022: With the approval of the Supervisory Board, the Management Board of Instone Real Estate Group SE (Instone) has decided today to start a share buyback programme following the publication of the full ye [ … ]
Wed, 17.11.2021       Instone Real Estate Group SE

First time outlook for financial year 2022 and revised guidance for 2021 Essen, 17 November 2021 - Taking into account the business development in the first three quarters of 2021, the Management of Instone Real Estate Group SE ("Instone") has decided to issue first time profit guidance for financial year 2022, as well as revise guidance for the  [ … ]
Wed, 26.08.2020       Instone Real Estate Group AG

Inside information as per Section 17 MAR NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION (IN WHOLE OR IN PART) IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA OR JAPAN OR OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE SUCH A PUBLICATION COULD BE UNLAWFULInstone Real Estate resolves capital increase with subscription rights against cash contribution to fund additio [ … ]

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Saturday, 21.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 265th day of the year, 101 days remaining until EoY.