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Thu, 13.10.2022       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as issuer of the partial bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces to distribute the profit participation of the partial bonds according to § 2.3 of the bond conditions in the total amou [ … ]
Thu, 13.10.2022       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as issuer of the partial bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces to distribute the profit participation of the partial bonds according to § 2.3 of the bond conditions in the total amou [ … ]
Fri, 12.08.2022       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the commercial register of the local court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as the issuer of the bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces that the option under § 7.1 of the terms and conditions of the bonds to make an early partial repayment of the bonds by ord [ … ]
Fri, 12.08.2022       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the commercial register of the local court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as the issuer of the bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces that the option under § 7.1 of the terms and conditions of the bonds to make an early partial repayment of the bonds by ord [ … ]
Fri, 01.07.2022       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the commercial register of the local court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as the issuer of the bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces that the option under § 7.1 of the terms and conditions of the bonds to make an early partial repayment of the bonds by ord [ … ]
Fri, 01.07.2022       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the commercial register of the local court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as the issuer of the bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces that the option under § 7.1 of the terms and conditions of the bonds to make an early partial repayment of the bonds by ord [ … ]
Mon, 14.03.2022       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the commercial register of the local court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as the issuer of the bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces that the option under § 7.1 of the terms and conditions of the bonds to make an early partial repayment of the bonds by ord [ … ]
Mon, 20.12.2021       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the commercial register of the local court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as the issuer of the bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces that the option under § 7.1 of the terms and conditions of the bonds to make an early partial repayment of the bonds by ord [ … ]
Thu, 12.08.2021       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the commercial register of the local court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179, as the issuer of the bearer bonds 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 / WKN A13SH2, announces that the option under § 7.1 of the terms and conditions of the bonds to make an early partial repayment of the bonds by ord [ … ]
Thu, 01.04.2021       REO Spanien Projektentwicklungs GmbH

REO Spain Projektentwicklungs GmbH, Hamburg, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of Hamburg under the number HRB 137179 as the issuer of the EUR Bearer Bond 2015, ISIN: DE000A13SH22 - WKN A13SH2, hereby announces that it will make use of the option to postpone the redemption date of the bonds for the last time by a further 18 m [ … ]

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Saturday, 21.09.2024, Calendar Week 38, 265th day of the year, 101 days remaining until EoY.