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Thu, 20.10.2022       VARTA AG

VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55 Release of inside information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 Preliminary results for the third quarter and nine-month figures 2022 Ellwangen, 20 October 2022 VARTA AG: Preliminary results for the third quarter and nine-month figures 2022 Q3/2022 revenue amounts to approx. EUR 194  [ … ]
Thu, 20.10.2022       VARTA AG

VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55 Release of inside information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 Preliminary results for the third quarter and nine-month figures 2022 Ellwangen, 20 October 2022 VARTA AG: Preliminary results for the third quarter and nine-month figures 2022 Q3/2022 revenue amounts to approx. EUR 194  [ … ]
Thu, 29.09.2022       VARTA AG

      VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55   Release of inside information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014   Herbert Schein resigns as Chairman of the Executive Board with immediate effect, but remains on the Executive Board until 31 December 2022; Dr. Markus Hackstein will take over the position of Spokesman of th [ … ]
Thu, 29.09.2022       VARTA AG

      VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55   Release of inside information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014   Herbert Schein resigns as Chairman of the Executive Board with immediate effect, but remains on the Executive Board until 31 December 2022; Dr. Markus Hackstein will take over the position of Spokesman of th [ … ]
Fri, 23.09.2022       VARTA AG

VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55   Release of inside information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 VARTA AG withdraws forecast for financial year 2022 and the third quarter of 2022   Ellwangen, 23rd September 2022 The Executive Board of VARTA AG withdraws its forecast for the financial year 2022 and its forecast for [ … ]
Fri, 23.09.2022       VARTA AG

VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55   Release of inside information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 VARTA AG withdraws forecast for financial year 2022 and the third quarter of 2022   Ellwangen, 23rd September 2022 The Executive Board of VARTA AG withdraws its forecast for the financial year 2022 and its forecast for [ … ]
Sat, 30.07.2022       VARTA AG

VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55 Publication of insider information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) Nr. 596/2014   Preliminary results for the first half of 2022 and adjustment of outlook for the current financial year   Ellwangen, 30th July 2022   VARTA AG: Preliminary results for the first half of 2022 and adjustment of  [ … ]
Sat, 30.07.2022       VARTA AG

VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55 Publication of insider information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) Nr. 596/2014   Preliminary results for the first half of 2022 and adjustment of outlook for the current financial year   Ellwangen, 30th July 2022   VARTA AG: Preliminary results for the first half of 2022 and adjustment of  [ … ]
Fri, 05.11.2021       VARTA AG

  VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55 Publication of insider information pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 VARTA AG falls short of market expectations in the first nine months, but with very good development of margin Ellwangen, 5.11.2021 Despite of earnings development in the first 9 months of 2021 being in line with co [ … ]
Thu, 13.08.2020       VARTA AG

  VARTA AG, Ellwangen, ISIN: DE000A0TGJ55Insider information disclosure in accordance with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 VARTA AG raises guidance for 2020 Ellwangen, 13.8.2020 - VARTA AG raises the revenue for full year from 780-800 m EUR to 810-830 m EUR - Guidance for adjusted EBITDA will be raised to 210-215 m EUR (previously  [ … ]

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