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Mon, 30.09.2024       Blue Cap AG

Munich, 30 September 2024 - Blue Cap AG ("Blue Cap") today concluded an agreement on the sale of its 90% stake in nokra Optische Prüftechnik und Automation GmbH ("nokra"). The buyer is Vishay Precision Group ("VPG"). The total proceeds (before taxes) are in the single-digit million range and a good EUR 1 million above the net asset value valuation [ … ]
Fri, 19.01.2024       Blue Cap AG

Munich, January 19, 2024 – Blue Cap AG (“Blue Cap”) expects better earnings for the 2023 financial year than last assumed. According to initial preliminary calculations as part of the ongoing preparation of the consolidated financial statements for the 2023 financial year, the Blue Cap management board assumes an adjusted(1) EBITDA margin for conti [ … ]
Mon, 18.09.2023       Blue Cap AG

Munich, September 18, 2023 – Blue Cap AG (“Blue Cap”) announces that Dr. Henning von Kottwitz will be appointed Chairman/CEO from October 1, 2023. He is succeeding the previous Chairman/CEO Tobias Hoffmann-Becking, who asked the company's supervisory board at the end of August to terminate his mandate on the board early for personal reasons. Dr. vo [ … ]
Fri, 25.08.2023       Blue Cap AG

Munich, August 25, 2023 - Blue Cap AG ("Blue Cap") announces that Mr. Tobias Hoffmann-Becking, CEO, has asked the company's Supervisory Board to end his Management Board mandate early for personal reasons. He will still be available to the company for an orderly handover for the benefit of the company. The Supervisory Board has already begun the se [ … ]
Mon, 17.07.2023       Blue Cap AG

Munich, 17 July 2023 – The Management Board of Blue Cap AG decided today, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase the share capital of the company in the amount of EUR 4,396,290.00 by EUR 89,993.00 by issuing 89,993 new ones, with partial utilization of the Authorized Capital 2021/I bearer shares with a proportionate amount of the s [ … ]
Mon, 17.07.2023       Blue Cap AG

Munich, 17 July 2023 – The Management Board of Blue Cap AG decided today, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase the share capital of the company in the amount of EUR 4,396,290.00 by EUR 89,993.00 by issuing 89,993 new ones, with partial utilization of the Authorized Capital 2021/I bearer shares with a proportionate amount of the s [ … ]
Wed, 14.06.2023       Blue Cap AG

Munich, 14 June 2023 - Blue Cap AG ("Blue Cap") has today entered into an agreement for the sale of its 100% stake in Knauer Uniplast Management GmbH ("Uniplast"). The buyers are the long-standing managing director of Uniplast, Andreas Doster, and the COO&CIO Sascha Sander. The purchase agreement is expected to be completed in the third quarter [ … ]
Wed, 14.06.2023       Blue Cap AG

Munich, 14 June 2023 - Blue Cap AG ("Blue Cap") has today entered into an agreement for the sale of its 100% stake in Knauer Uniplast Management GmbH ("Uniplast"). The buyers are the long-standing managing director of Uniplast, Andreas Doster, and the COO&CIO Sascha Sander. The purchase agreement is expected to be completed in the third quarter [ … ]
Tue, 13.12.2022       Blue Cap AG

Munich, 13 December 2022 – PartnerFonds AG i.L. today informed the Management Board of Blue Cap AG that it has sold 660,000 of the 1,842,500 shares it previously held in Blue Cap AG to a private investor, with effect as of December 13, 2022. As a result, the proportion of Blue Cap AG’s share capital held by PartnerFonds AG i.L. amounts to 26.9%. Th [ … ]
Tue, 13.12.2022       Blue Cap AG

Munich, 13 December 2022 – PartnerFonds AG i.L. today informed the Management Board of Blue Cap AG that it has sold 660,000 of the 1,842,500 shares it previously held in Blue Cap AG to a private investor, with effect as of December 13, 2022. As a result, the proportion of Blue Cap AG’s share capital held by PartnerFonds AG i.L. amounts to 26.9%. Th [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.