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Thu, 05.09.2024 AG

AD-HOC INFORMATION PUBLICATION OF INSIDER INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 17 OF REGULATION (EU) NO. 596/2014     Company recognizes a provision due to the judgment of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court of first instance in the dispute over VAT liability for sports betting AG (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") announced on  [ … ]
Thu, 11.07.2024 AG

PUBLICATION OF INSIDER INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 17 OF REGULATION (EU) NO. 596/2014Swiss Federal Supreme Court rules in first instance in dispute over VAT liability for sports betting AG (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") earlier disclosed in the combined management report for the fiscal year 2023 that the Swiss Feder [ … ]
Tue, 05.03.2024 AG

AD-HOC INFORMATION PUBLICATION OF INSIDER INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 17 OF REGULATION (EU) NO. 596/2014 AG: financial figures for FY 2023 / forecast for FY 2024 Düsseldorf, 05 March 2024 Gross betting and gaming revenue of the AG Group (hereinafter also referred to as the "BaH Group") for the financial ye [ … ]
Mon, 23.10.2023 AG

AD-HOC INFORMATION PUBLICATION OF INSIDER INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 17 OF REGULATION (EU) NO. 596/2014 AG provides an update on its guidance for the 2023 financial year and on operational transformation Düsseldorf, 23 October 2023. AG (hereinafter also referred to as the "Company") announces that adverse  [ … ]
Thu, 19.01.2023 AG

AD-HOC INFORMATION PUBLICATION OF INSIDER INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 17 OF REGULATION (EU) NO. 596/2014 AG announces preliminary unaudited financial figures for the financial year 2022 Düsseldorf, 19 January 2023. The preliminary figures for the financial year 2022 of the AG group indicate that the previou [ … ]
Thu, 01.12.2022 AG

AD-HOC INFORMATION PUBLICATION OF INSIDER INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 17 OF REGULATION (EU) NO. 596/2014 AG increases its revenue forecast for the current financial year Düsseldorf, 1 December 2022. AG now expects its consolidated gross betting and gaming revenue ("GGR") in the range of EUR 52 million to EU [ … ]
Thu, 01.12.2022 AG

AD-HOC INFORMATION PUBLICATION OF INSIDER INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 17 OF REGULATION (EU) NO. 596/2014 AG increases its revenue forecast for the current financial year Düsseldorf, 1 December 2022. AG now expects its consolidated gross betting and gaming revenue ("GGR") in the range of EUR 52 million to EU [ … ]
Thu, 04.08.2022 AG AG (hereinafter also referred to as the "Company") announces preliminary unaudited business figures for the Group as of June 30, 2022, considering the deconsolidation of Entertainment Ltd. i.e. for continuing operations. The prior-year figures stated have been adjusted for the discontinued operations to establish com [ … ]
Thu, 04.08.2022 AG AG (hereinafter also referred to as the "Company") announces preliminary unaudited business figures for the Group as of June 30, 2022, considering the deconsolidation of Entertainment Ltd. i.e. for continuing operations. The prior-year figures stated have been adjusted for the discontinued operations to establish com [ … ]
Wed, 27.07.2022 AG AG (hereinafter also referred to as the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the " Group") have today entered into an agreement with a leading provider of outsourcing services, under which key corporate functions of the Group will be outsourced to this provider in the future. This r [ … ]

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Monday, 30.09.2024, Calendar Week 40, 274th day of the year, 92 days remaining until EoY.