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Fri, 12.07.2024       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

On a preliminary basis, Lufthansa Group has achieved an Adjusted EBIT of EUR 686 million in the second quarter of 2024 (previous year: EUR 1.1 billion). In particular, a market-related decline in yields in all traffic regions – especially in Asia – had a negative impact. Unit costs of the Group’s passenger airlines in the second quarter were at pre [ … ]
Thu, 22.02.2024       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

The Supervisory Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG has decided to reduce the size of the company's Executive Board from six to five members. Christina Foerster, Board member responsible for “Brand and Sustainability”, Harry Hohmeister, Board member responsible for “Global Markets and Network”, and Detlef Kayser, Board member responsible for “Fleet and [ … ]
Thu, 30.11.2023       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

The Executive Board of the Lufthansa Group decided today not to pursue the previous plans for the sale of a minority stake in Lufthansa Technik. The growth plans developed in recent months are to be implemented independently, without the involvement of another shareholder in Lufthansa Technik. Responsible: Dennis Weber, Head of Investor Relations,  [ … ]
Thu, 25.05.2023       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

The Lufthansa Group has agreed with the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to acquire a 41% stake in ITA Airways. The contractual finalization of the agreement is expected to be completed shortly. With the planned transaction, the Group is expanding its access to the third largest airline market in Europe, which is already of great strat [ … ]
Thu, 25.05.2023       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

The Lufthansa Group has agreed with the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to acquire a 41% stake in ITA Airways. The contractual finalization of the agreement is expected to be completed shortly. With the planned transaction, the Group is expanding its access to the third largest airline market in Europe, which is already of great strat [ … ]
Tue, 13.12.2022       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Lufthansa Group continues to see strong demand for air travel. Average yields in the passenger business remain well above pre-crisis level. Lufthansa Cargo and Lufthansa Technik are expected to achieve record results in the current financial year. Earnings performance in October and November exceeded expectations. The booking situation for the com [ … ]
Tue, 13.12.2022       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Lufthansa Group continues to see strong demand for air travel. Average yields in the passenger business remain well above pre-crisis level. Lufthansa Cargo and Lufthansa Technik are expected to achieve record results in the current financial year. Earnings performance in October and November exceeded expectations. The booking situation for the com [ … ]
Mon, 17.10.2022       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

On a preliminary basis, Lufthansa Group almost doubled revenue year-on-year to 10.1 billion euros in the third quarter of 2022 (previous year: 5.2 billion euros). Adjusted EBIT1 amounted to around 1.1 billion euros (previous year: 251 million euros), including an impact from strikes of around 70 million euros. In the third quarter, Lufthansa Group [ … ]
Mon, 17.10.2022       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

On a preliminary basis, Lufthansa Group almost doubled revenue year-on-year to 10.1 billion euros in the third quarter of 2022 (previous year: 5.2 billion euros). Adjusted EBIT1 amounted to around 1.1 billion euros (previous year: 251 million euros), including an impact from strikes of around 70 million euros. In the third quarter, Lufthansa Group [ … ]
Wed, 14.09.2022       Deutsche Lufthansa AG

The Economic Stabilization Fund of the Federal Republic of Germany has sold its shareholding in Deutsche Lufthansa AG in full in accordance with its press release of 14 September 2022. The stabilization of Deutsche Lufthansa AG has therefore ended. The behavioral commitments made to the European Commission and the associated restrictions for Deutsc [ … ]

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