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Wed, 26.10.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Publication of Insider Information Pursuant to Article 17 MAR SNP Prepares for Handover to New CEO in 2023 Heidelberg, Germany, October 26, 2022 – In the context of the long-term succession planning, Michael Eberhardt, CEO and Managing Director of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE (ISIN: DE0007203705), expressed his wish at the beginning [ … ]
Wed, 26.10.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Publication of Insider Information Pursuant to Article 17 MAR SNP Prepares for Handover to New CEO in 2023 Heidelberg, Germany, October 26, 2022 – In the context of the long-term succession planning, Michael Eberhardt, CEO and Managing Director of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE (ISIN: DE0007203705), expressed his wish at the beginning [ … ]
Tue, 25.10.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Publication of Insider Information Pursuant to Article 17 MAR SNP SE announces preliminary results for the first nine months of 2022 and updates forecast for the full year 2022 Heidelberg, October 25, 2022 – Based on preliminary figures, SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE (ISIN: DE0007203705) achieved an increase in group revenue of aroun [ … ]
Tue, 25.10.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Publication of Insider Information Pursuant to Article 17 MAR SNP SE announces preliminary results for the first nine months of 2022 and updates forecast for the full year 2022 Heidelberg, October 25, 2022 – Based on preliminary figures, SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE (ISIN: DE0007203705) achieved an increase in group revenue of aroun [ … ]
Wed, 12.10.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE rejects convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting Heidelberg, October 12, 2022 – The Board of Directors of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE has rejected the request of shareholder Wolfgang Marguerre to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting as inadmissible after legal examination. The share [ … ]
Wed, 12.10.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE rejects convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting Heidelberg, October 12, 2022 – The Board of Directors of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE has rejected the request of shareholder Wolfgang Marguerre to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting as inadmissible after legal examination. The share [ … ]
Sat, 01.10.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Richard Roy Appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of SNP SE Heidelberg, October 1st, 2022 – In its meeting today, the Board of Directors of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE appointed Richard Roy from among its members as the new Chairman of the Board. Richard Roy succeeds Prof. Dr. Claus E. Heinrich, who stepped down from his po [ … ]
Sat, 01.10.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Richard Roy Appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of SNP SE Heidelberg, October 1st, 2022 – In its meeting today, the Board of Directors of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE appointed Richard Roy from among its members as the new Chairman of the Board. Richard Roy succeeds Prof. Dr. Claus E. Heinrich, who stepped down from his po [ … ]
Sun, 11.09.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Major shareholders intend to restructure the board of directors of the SNP SE SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE hereby announces that the shareholders Wolfgang Marguerre and SN Assets GmbH have expressed their unconditioned intention to propose to an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to revoke the appointment of Prof. Dr. Christoph Hütten [ … ]
Sun, 11.09.2022       SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

Major shareholders intend to restructure the board of directors of the SNP SE SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE hereby announces that the shareholders Wolfgang Marguerre and SN Assets GmbH have expressed their unconditioned intention to propose to an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to revoke the appointment of Prof. Dr. Christoph Hütten [ … ]

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Sunday, 29.09.2024, Calendar Week 39, 273rd day of the year, 93 days remaining until EoY.