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Thu, 07.04.2022       Helvetica Property

Press release April 07, 2022 Press release (PDF) The capital increase for the HSO Fund, which took place between March 21 and 31, 2022, was significantly oversubscribed and successfully completed with proceeds of CHF 39.7 million. A total of 312,500 new shares will be issued at an issue price of CHF 126.91 net per share. After the capital increase, [ … ]
Fri, 04.03.2022       Helvetica Property

Press release March 4, 2022 Press release (PDF) Zurich, March 4, 2022 - The fund management company plans a capital increase with subscription rights for the Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund  As part of the HSO Fund's growth strategy, the fund management company plans to carry out a capital increase with subscription rights of approximately CHF 40  [ … ]
Wed, 02.02.2022       Helvetica Property

Press release February 02, 2022 Press release (PDF) The newly acquired residential properties are very well located in the cantons of Basel-Stadt, Bern, St. Gallen, Thurgau and Zurich. They will increase the existing property portfolio of the Helvetica Swiss Living Fund (HSL Fund) by almost 500 apartments and by more than CHF 7 million in annual re [ … ]
Fri, 22.10.2021       Helvetica Property

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR, 22 October 2021 Press release (PDF) Zurich, 22 October 2021 - Dr. Franziska Blindow-Prettl, proven finance and sustainability expert, is newly elected to the Board of Directors of Helvetica Property Investors AG. Salman Baday and Lucas Schlageter are added to the Executive Board. Increased focus on sustai [ … ]
Wed, 06.10.2021       Helvetica Property

Press release October 6, 2021 Press release (PDF) Zurich, October 6, 2021 - The fund management company Helvetica Property Investors AG will launch a capital increase for the Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund on October 11, 2021. The fund management company will carry out a capital increase of up to a maximum of CHF 30 million for the HSO Fund in th [ … ]
Thu, 23.09.2021       Helvetica Property

Press release September 23, 2021 Press release (PDF) Zurich, September 23, 2021 - The Fund management company Helvetica Property Investors AG has concluded several long-term leases for the Rüti Center in Pratteln and is planning a capital increase for the Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund. The HSO Fund concluded various leases with anchor tenants fo [ … ]

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