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Ad-hoc news is mandatory information from listed companies that must be made available to investors. Depending on the occasion and content of the news, it can have an impact on the share price. The newsfeed covers a wide range of topics relevant to investor relations and is recommended as an important source of information before making an investment decision.
Tue, 28.06.2022       COLTENE Holding AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR COLTENE expects sales of between CHF 130 million and CHF 135 million for the first half (H1) of 2022. Growth remains stable in consumables sales and the order book for durable goods. Temporary supply chain constraints for components used in device manufacturing weighed on H1 sales and operating income. For [ … ]
Tue, 28.06.2022       COLTENE Holding AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR COLTENE expects sales of between CHF 130 million and CHF 135 million for the first half (H1) of 2022. Growth remains stable in consumables sales and the order book for durable goods. Temporary supply chain constraints for components used in device manufacturing weighed on H1 sales and operating income. For [ … ]
Fri, 04.03.2022       COLTENE Holding AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Altstätten, 4 March 2022   COLTENE generated CHF 279.2 million in sales in 2021, a 12.4% increase from a year earlier. Operating profit (EBIT) was CHF 43.8 million, up 88.3%. The EBIT margin for the year was 15.7% (2020: 9.4%). COLTENE made a net profit of CHF 31.7 million, a 285.2% increase from 2 [ … ]
Fri, 28.01.2022       COLTENE Holding AG

Media Release Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Altstätten, 28 January 2022  2021 saw healthy growth in demand for dental products. The first half (H1) of 2021 was defined by catch-up effects, and sales grew at disproportionately high rates. In H2, demand returned to more normal levels and the supply chain bottlenecks increasingly affect [ … ]
Thu, 05.08.2021       COLTENE Holding AG

Media Release Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Altstätten, August 6, 2020 COLTENE with strong Half-Year Results The recovery in global dental markets from the second half (H2) of 2020 extended into 2021, delivering strong performance for the COLTENE Group in H1. Group sales were CHF 143.5 million, significantly above both H1 2020 (CHF  [ … ]
Wed, 23.06.2021       COLTENE Holding AG

COLTENE Holding AG is holding an analyst and investor meeting at its headquarters in Altstätten today and provides a trading update on the first half of 2021. The positive performance previously announced for the first quarter has continued, with sales and earnings both running ahead of expectations this year. However, the company is expecting a sl [ … ]
Tue, 04.05.2021       COLTENE Holding AG

Altstätten, May 04, 2021 John Westermeier, Vice President Marketing & Sales North America and Managing Director of SciCan Ltd. in Toronto has decided for private reasons to step down from the Group Management of COLTENE end of June 2021. As part of the merger of COLTENE and SciCan in October 2018, John Westermeier joined the current COLTENE Gr [ … ]
Wed, 31.03.2021       COLTENE Holding AG

The Annual General Meeting of COLTENE Holding AG approved all motions of the Board of Directors with a large majority. The shareholders approved the management report, financial statements and consolidated statements 2020, as well as the profit to be carried forward to 2021. They also approved the distribution of CHF 3.00 per share from capital con [ … ]

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