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Tue, 08.11.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Quarterly results as per 30 September 2022 PSP Swiss Property has achieved a very good operational result. With its high-quality portfolio and its strong capital structure, PSP Swiss Property considers itself well positioned. Real estate portfolio At the end of September 2022, the value of the portfolio was CHF 9.383 billion (end of 2021: CHF 9.12 [ … ]
Tue, 08.11.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Quarterly results as per 30 September 2022 PSP Swiss Property has achieved a very good operational result. With its high-quality portfolio and its strong capital structure, PSP Swiss Property considers itself well positioned. Real estate portfolio At the end of September 2022, the value of the portfolio was CHF 9.383 billion (end of 2021: CHF 9.12 [ … ]
Fri, 19.08.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Dear Sir or Madam, The previous sending (6:57 am) of the German PSP press release was for the H1 financial statements as at 30.6.2022 ((and not the Q1 financial statements)). Due to a technical malfunction, the Q1-lead was mistakenly displayed in the Email dispatch. In the attachment you can see once again the H1 2022 press release. We apologise [ … ]
Fri, 19.08.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Dear Sir or Madam, The previous sending (6:57 am) of the German PSP press release was for the H1 financial statements as at 30.6.2022 ((and not the Q1 financial statements)). Due to a technical malfunction, the Q1-lead was mistakenly displayed in the Email dispatch. In the attachment you can see once again the H1 2022 press release. We apologise [ … ]
Fri, 19.08.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Half-year results as per 30 June 2022 PSP Swiss Property has achieved a very good operational result. With its high-quality portfolio and its strong capital structure, PSP Swiss Property considers itself well positioned. Real estate portfolio At the end of June 2022, the value of the portfolio was CHF 9.344 billion (end of 2021: CHF 9.127 billion) [ … ]
Fri, 19.08.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Half-year results as per 30 June 2022 PSP Swiss Property has achieved a very good operational result. With its high-quality portfolio and its strong capital structure, PSP Swiss Property considers itself well positioned. Real estate portfolio At the end of June 2022, the value of the portfolio was CHF 9.344 billion (end of 2021: CHF 9.127 billion) [ … ]
Tue, 03.05.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Quarterly results as per 31 March 2022 (3 months) PSP Swiss Property has achieved a very good operational result. With its high-quality portfolio and its strong capital structure, PSP Swiss Property considers itself well positioned. Real estate portfolio At the end of March 2022, the value of the portfolio was CHF 9.193 billion (end of 2021: CHF 9 [ … ]
Thu, 31.03.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 31 March 2022 Today, the Annual General Meeting of PSP Swiss Property Ltd took place at its registered office in Zug. In accordance with the Ordinance 3 on Measures to Combat the Coronavirus (Covid-19 Ordinance 3), the General Meeting was held without the personal participation of shareholders. Sharehold [ … ]
Tue, 22.02.2022       PSP Swiss Property AG

Annual results as per 31 December 2021 (12 months) PSP Swiss Property has achieved a very good operational result. With its high-quality portfolio and its strong capital structure, PSP Swiss Property considers itself well positioned. For the current business year, an increase in ebitda and a stable vacancy rate are guided. Real estate portfolio At [ … ]
Tue, 09.11.2021       PSP Swiss Property AG

PSP Swiss Property has achieved a good operational result. With its high-quality portfolio and its solid capital structure, PSP Swiss Property considers itself well positioned. Both, the ebitda guidance and the vacancy rate guidance have been improved. Real estate portfolio At the end of September 2021, the value of the portfolio was CHF 8.998 bil [ … ]

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